The other week, I took my quarterly floating holiday and after a nice lunch out with Ahmad, we picked up the kids and headed to the zoo. It was a gorgeous day and no one was there. It was perfect! It was the most relaxing zoo trip I've ever had.

The elephants were eating bamboo sticks. We could hear them bite through it and chew it. It was like it was echoing in their heads. We couldn't believe how loud it was and that they could eat that! It's sooo hard!

Mama and baby

Hailey could not wait to see the zebras! She loved them!

We'd never been in the bird sanctuary before, but we're glad we went! It was all parakeets and you could buy a feed stick for a $1. It was well worth it. We were in there for probably at least 30 minutes. The kids loved feeding them and trying to get them to hop on their sticks!

One of the herd!

Miles was such a ham that day!

Hailey wasn't so sure about this statue and kept her distance for a bit.

But then she decided he looked hungry and tried to feed it the decorative colored corn that was nearby!
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