Friday, November 11, 2011

Beauty Queen in the Making

OK, so I admit it, we watch Toddlers and Tiaras. It's a good show and great fun to make fun of all the crazy mamas. I came across a Craig's List ad for $100 off a local beauty pageant. I clicked on it. I could get Hailey in a pageant for about $40, so I thought I'd give it a shot. After all, Miles was in a Fresh Faces pageant when he was about 6 months old (and he got 3rd!). If my SON was in a pageant, I knew my daughter had to be.

Hailey was practicing her makeup

Guess which side I did!

Yes, I put fake nails on her. They were so adorable. She kept holding her hands up and not moving her fingers, just looking at them. She couldn't figure them out though and after the Beauty portion, she kept asking for them to come off. So I took them off.

Beautiful Hailey!

She did well, but wanted me to pick her up

Hailey's outfit of choice was a cowgirl

But in the end, she buried her head in my neck on this round

Eating some lunch. Doesn't she look so old?!

Hailey was ready for Talent as a 'bubble' and wanted to paint her toenails

Bubble girl!

She did great! She blew bubbles and laughed-so cute!

In the end, Hailey got Princess in her age division and an honorable mention in Talent. She did well, but was so completely exhausted that she just cried and cried, saying she wanted to "dance", which is what I told her we were going to do when we went on stage.

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