We had a blast Trick or Treating! We went over to our new friend's house and crashed their party! Their neighbor does it up big and had pizza and food for before the trick or treating and then cake and ice cream afterwards. There were about 5 kids all together going from house to house and they had a blast. Hailey kept thinking we were saying "Chuckie Cheese" instead of "Trick or Treat" and really had her hopes dashed until she realized she got candy! It was too cute. And she was really into the whole "spooky" idea. She was look around and at anything Halloween-ish, she would say "oooo, spoooookkkkky!". When she wasn't sure, she asked me if it was spooky or not. She wasn't scared, but rather very intrigued. Miles had no trouble at all. He was off and running way ahead of the pack. I was kinda surprised when after about 20 minutes, the other kids were saying they were tired! Miles was like, What?! He was already halfway to the next house! So, we brought up the rear and hit up a few more houses. They ended up with quite a stash and had a great time.

I dressed up for work all day in one of my old dance costumes. It was a ton of fun. I love how I made everyone smile when they looked at me. I also wanted to prance around all day...I think I should dress up more often!

Here's the gang ready to hit the streets!

Trick or treat! About 5 minutes before we left, Ahmad decided he needed a costume and came up with a makeshift sheriff. He also used one of my old dance hats and billy club. It was funny.

Hailey was a purple butterfly, but it might have really been a fairy. I'm not sure. She liked it though and had a great time. She also was quite the princess riding in her wagon with a sheriff escort!

Hailey's first house!

Off to see what the next house has!

Checking out their loot!
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