Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Worth a 1000 Words

Having Fun in Iowa

All Sweetness!


Smiles with Daddy!

Baking Birthday Cupcakes for Hailey

They turned out pretty cute!

Bouncing Around at Hailey and Miles' Party

Uncle Jamal Slip Sliding Away

Climbing Around with Meredith

The Birthday Boy!


Hailey Loved her Birthday Cupcakes!

The Birthday King!

Dancing to Michael Jackson

Trying a Ponytail for the First Time

Hailey's 1st Birthday!

Ahmad Tried to Paint Hailey's Toes...He Got the Big Ones!

Our Ice Storm Shut Down Everything for 2 Days

Our Little Devil!

They Love the Michael Jackson Experience

Family Pics, Hailey's 1st Birthday, and Miles' 4th Birthday

Nana Came to Play!

And She Danced to Michael Jackson too!

Watch Out Mom!

Ahmad's 1st Snowman

Going for a Ride

Fun with Elliott and Meredith

Now that's a Big Snowball!

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