- She loves to be upside down! She likes for me to pick her up by her hips and hang her upside down. Tonight, every time I put her down, she cried. And she loves to stand with her feet apart and put her head down on the floor, looking between her legs. She does this all the time!
- She loves to dance. Any beat, anywhere, she's bopping away!
- She eats suckers. I know, probably not the best thing for a 1 year old to be eating, but she does. Now, I specifically remember a friend (Gretchen and John!) offering Miles a sucker when he was past 2 and he didn't know what it was. Somehow, Hailey has learned already! And she will sit and suck it until it's gone.
- Hailey has learned how to give high-fives! She's not super consistent yet, but does them pretty well.
- She LOVES to give zerberts! She actually learned this while nursing (yeah, that's right, while nursing!) and thinks it's hilarious. I have to admit, it is pretty funny, but I try to deter it! However, she now will also zerbert other places-cheeks, arm, neck, etc. It's quite funny and it cracks her up!
- She's still into carrying things all around. And usually they are things to put in her mouth-tubes, toys, toothbrushes, you name it and she tries! She especially loves her toothbrush and case. She has also recently discovered her paci that's been on her dresser for the past year because she doesn't use it. She likes to grab it and chew on it for a short time.
- She's into her babies! I think this is so adorable. She likes to pick them up and give them hugs and pats on the back. She'll offer the baby to us and expects us to do the same. She has begun offering them a bottle and sometimes a spoon or pretend food. So cute to see this develop!
- She loves to come into the bathroom and see what she can get into. She especially likes to get into the toilet paper (even taking a new roll out of the holder we have) and tear off little bitty pieces. For some reason, she first tries to put it in the bathtub. Then, she likes to put it in her mouth. All I can think when she does this is that she's going to end up on My Strange Addiction on TLC. We saw an episode where someone was addicted to eating toilet paper....
- She likes to blow her nose! She loves to have tissue and pretend to blow her nose. She also thinks it's pretty funny!
- She likes pickles. Yup, pickles. That's all she ate for dinner last night.
Just a snapshot into our lives as a young growing family wanting to capture and preserve life's precious moments.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Fun to be One!
Well, now that Hailey is one, there has been an explosion of new things she can do! I can't believe she's this big!
She is so so loveable! Hailey loves to give hugs and kisses. She's been especially affectionate the last several days to the point where she has tackled Miles giving him hugs. It's too too adorable and I love LOVE every one of them! It also still melts my heart when she finds my free hand while nursing and puts it on the side of her head and puts her hand over mine. It's almost like she's asking for me to hold her closer. Yes, she's still nursing. But, she's about done. She doesn't take a bottle or now any breastmilk at all at school anymore. I'm still pumping, but only once a day and only for another week or so. So, she nurses about 3-5 times a day depending on how many times she's up at night. But, she's getting increasingly distracted during the day, so we'll see how much longer that goes on. It's very bittersweet to think she's about done. I can't believe my sweet little baby girl is 1...and so much fun!
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