Hailey still likes to take off her socks and stick them in her mouth. She now finds it hilarious for me to put one in my mouth too.
- Hailey is walking! I know I've said that before, but now she's walking more often than not. And if she stumbles, she gets back up and keeps on going. She's still got a little Sanford and Son walk going, but she's getting pretty fast!
- Hailey's into her books lately. She loves to walk back to her room and pull all her books off the shelf and look through them.
- Hailey slept better as a newborn than she does now! We need to work on that...
- Miles is so smart! He's in the pre-reading stage and I want to work with him more on reading.
- Miles' coloring is getting pretty good!
- Miles is getting good at pretending and imagining scenes or stories. He also thinks it's funny to tell me one thing, and then say that he's just being so silly and that wasn't true.
- Miles had a really rough week at school last week, but a great week so far this week. We did do one new thing (always looking for new ideas!) with school. Last week, he was up front for something or other and tore one of the administrator's binders. So, I told him to pick out his favorite book at home. He did (not really his favorite, but one he does like) and I told him we were giving it to her. He was actually sad and thought she was going to rip his book since he ripped hers. It was a good exchange.
- Ahmad is in the process of interviewing for a new job. (not with the candidates picture below!)
- I'm still training for the mini-I've survived 2 weeks so far! It actually feels really good to do the workouts. If my knee holds up, I'll have a better shot! But...I still can't imagine running 13 miles...
We also had an interesting day on Sunday. We were up early (go figure!) and in the living room. Ahmad had used a tray table earlier that morning before Hailey and I were up and it was still up. Long story short (and after I knew I should've put it away), Hailey pulled the table down on her and wound up with it on top of her. She wailed. I pulled it off her expecting a bump, but was greeted with a bloody gash on her forehead. I screamed for Ahmad who was in the back, and we got ready in a flash to go to the ER. Miles and I were still in our jammies. 3 stitches and an hour later (record time in an ER!), we were on our way home. She was a champ. She didn't like being held down, rather strapped down, for the stitches, but other than that, she did great. It's healing well too. We have an appointment on Friday to get them out, so hopefully it will be much better by then. Miles was processing what happened later on that day and described it as Hailey getting a crack on her head and the doctor putting strings in it to make it better. Pretty accurate! We talked about it and I also related it back to him throwing things when he was at school and telling him that the things he throws can crack other people. I think it might have made a better impression on him than previous talks. He's also tried to draw her cut a few times. It's interesting. I have to say that I always feared going to the ER and cannot believe we made it almost 4 years with Miles' crazy antics and then didn't even make it a year for Hailey! But, we made it through.
I cannot believe that my babies' birthdays are next week! Miles will be 4 on the 29th and Hailey will be 1 on the 31st. Wow. What a wonderful, although fast, year. I cannot believe they are this old already. I'm sure I'll have more to say on that next week as although I've been thinking about it for awhile, it really isn't sinking in yet. We are planning some fun stuff though! We're hosting a party for some friends at a local bounce place. They supposedly have several different inflatable structures for the kids (and adults!) to bounce around on. They also have a party room for food and gifts and such. I'm excited about it! We haven't told Miles yet-are waiting until it's a bit closer. But I did ask him tonight what he wanted to take to school for a party. He said cupcakes, cookies, pizza, and crushed red pepper so he could see if his friends liked it. Ha! We'll check in again about that next week. He says the cutest things!
My mind is just filled with things I could write about, but I find that they're not really all that interesting! lol! Life has been busy lately, but good. I'm excited about the future and anxious to see how things are going to work out. Lots of things brewing...asking for God's direction and hopefully we'll follow his lead.
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