Miles is also up to his own shenanigans lately. He's begun getting up after we go through the entire bedtime routine, turns on his light (after very quietly closing his door all the way) and "reads" some books. At first we were going to try to change that and have him read books before we bug-bugged, but that didn't really work. He really likes reading by himself and doesn't stay up too late. I think it's pretty funny! One night, I went to make sure he was covered up before I went to bed and he was curled up on his bed with his slippers on...when Ahmad left his room and tucked him, no slippers...! He's also begun doing this "I'm full" dance. It's hilarious! He sticks his belly way out and rubs it while leaning backwards and says in a deep voice "My belly's full, my belly's full!" We cracked up so much that he has also modified it to "I'm hungry, my belly's hungry!"
My brother, Michael, came up to visit last weekend and we met up with the Illes Family for a fun day at the zoo. We had a real nice time visiting with everyone!
We got a great chance to meet up with our previous neighbors, Eric, Katie, Evelyn, Robyn, and Mary and go to the State Fair. We had a great time catching up and letting the kids play!
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