Miles has also still been so much into this being "stuck" thing. He really surprises me with so much being stuck because he can envision being stuck when I wouldn't even see it. Sitting on the couch, he likes to have pillows around him; in a chair, he wants to sit in the one with arms and be pushed in all the way so he's stuck; he'll crawl under my legs so my legs are on each side, the couch is behind him, and Hailey is in front of him; he now lines up all his stuffed animals along the outside of his bed so they make a line and he's stuck while he sleeps. It's somewhere between so very cute and funny and being a bit OCD. We'll have to see where this one ends up!
Miles has a new favorite toy now-his little matchbox cars. He has 4 of them and I think Nana gave him and he loves them. He carries them around in his pocket, has taken them to school (and shared them nicely with his friends), showed them to our neighbors, and even sleeps with them. It's pretty cute.
So much about Miles this time...he's been pretending that I'm in trouble a lot lately. He'll tell me to sit down, which I usually am, and turns on the time out timer and tells me I have to sit there until it goes off. However, we give him 3-4 minutes and he gives me like 45! He's also been talking to me more about being in trouble and what my behavior should be like. It's interesting to hear him talk and I know he's figuring out this whole behavior thing at school. I really think he's starting to get it and I hope we continue to have more good days than bad.
Miles also has been waking up a lot this past week. He's getting up usually about 4 or 5am, last night it was 3am, and wants to get up. After little convincing, Ahmad or I will lay with him for a few minutes until he's ready to go back to sleep. I hope that's over soon, I've been exhausted this past week! Plus, Hailey has been getting up 2 times a night this past week most nights, whereas before she was usually up only once. Miles has also been asking for a light at night sometimes now. He asked for me to leave on the hall light twice last week, something he has never done, and we ended up putting a night light in his room. However the past two nights now, he hasn't mentioned it and we haven't turned it on. Hopefully that is a passing phase; I just think it's hard to break that habit.
One day last week, we decided to go for a walk and Miles insisted on riding his bike, "just like Elliott does" (Elliott is our neighbor). We thought he could try, but figured it'd be a short walk. However, Miles surprised us and rode his bike all the way to the pool, where we played on the little playground next to it, and then all the way home. It's almost a mile round trip, so that was really cool he did that!
Miles has this word that he made up "meemee catchum" and randomly says it. We've asked him what it means, but he can't really say. I think I get it now though. I think it's an expression of happiness when he doesn't know what else to say. It's cute and I'm happy to hear him say it!
Miles had a decent week at school after having so much trouble the last two. He did well most of the week and had a few really good days, only to end on having to be picked up on Friday. He was jumping from the top of the slide and didn't want to stop when told to. I guess a kid was doing this last week and ended up breaking his arm. After he didn't listen, he was kicking and screaming and ended up up front. Ahmad went to get him and he ended up napping for a few hours. I had taken Hailey with me to work because Ahmad had some things he needed to do for work and I was only working a half day. She did great, played a bit and then I wrapped her up and she napped for the rest of the time. It was so very nice to have Hailey sleeping on my chest as I worked! As a punishment for Miles, he wasn't able to watch a DVD on the way down to Nana and Grampie's house. We weren't sure if that would be punishment for him or us, but it turned out ok. He played with a few toys and talked...for 2 hours! It was kinda funny. One of his funny comments along the way was "The band-aid is tickling my foot, but I'm not laughing. It's not a hard tickle, just a little tickle." We cracked up at that and he didn't understand why!
We had a great time at Nana and Grampie's house! We got in early on Friday, enjoyed dinner with Grampie and hung out. They have done some work on the house and it looks great! On Saturday, we hung out, did some shopping, played, and then went to Huber's. They have a petting zoo, playground, tractor rides, slides, etc. Miles and Nana had a great time and Grampie rested in the shade. Then we all enjoyed dinner there. Sunday after church, we did a few chores around the house and just enjoyed hanging out and a good lunch before heading home. Miles loved playing with Nana and exploring all over. His favorite is to play "balls". He likes to roll the pool balls around the table and try to knock others into the pockets. Hailey really enjoyed exploring her surroundings, especially the dogs-Ruby and Pearl. She loved crawling after them and watching them! It was so cute!
While we were there, I took Miles outside for a bit one time to just get him to calm down a bit as he was really needing a nap. Somehow I decided to ask him if he could be any animal, what would he be? He said he'd be a dolphin and he'd bite me. I found it funny because a dolphin was about the last animal I thought he'd ever say!
All in all, it was a great week and I'm excited about this one...after I get some sleep! :)
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