Saturday, August 7, 2010

Did You Ever?

Did you ever just want to bottle a moment, a minute, an hour, a day and save it forever? Then you could open that bottle up when you were feeling your crummiest and relive that most wonderful precious moment? I want to bottle today. I want to bottle the smiles I saw on my children's faces all day, the dimples in their cheeks, the gleem in their eyes. I want to bottle their hugs, their kisses, their squeezes. I want to bottle the way they lovingly looked at each other and enjoyed each other's company. I want to bottle their responsiveness to us, the direction they took, the "pleases" and the "thank yous". I want to bottle the snuggles. I want to bottle good friends and new life. I want to bottle the warm sunshine and blue skies. I want to bottle the outdoors, the growing plants, the bike rides, baseballs, and little ants. I want to bottle quality time, new experiences, curiosity, exploring the world through our children's eyes. I want to bottle new adventures and air vents. I want to bottle giggles and love. I want to bottle the smooth skin and long eye lashes, the good health and physical fitness. I want to bottle the excitement for the future and the anxiousness of the unknown; the wonderment of what will come and the contentment with what we have. I want to bottle it all and put it under my pillow and save it for a time of uneasiness, a time of doubt, a time of fear, a time of change, a time of tears and then I'll remember the simple things; the love, the tenderness, the hope and excitement I have in my life.

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