Hailey was eating her rice cereal, well, sort of, and making little progress. She was taking a few bites, half willingly and then fuss to be finished. So mid-week, I bought her some oatmeal cereal and she loves it! She opens her mouth in anticipation of the bite and even tries to help feed herself! She eats several tablespoons at a sitting, but seems to do better in the evenings with it than in the mornings. Maybe this weekend we'll start her on some veggies! How exciting!
She and Miles are just hilarious together. They adore each other so much and always smile and laugh at each other. It just melts my heart. The other night when I was feeding Hailey, Miles was beating on the table, like Ahmad sometimes does to make a beat. Hailey found this fascinating and soon joined in. She was beating on her high chair! Miles would hit a few times and then she'd smile and hit a few times. It was so funny! I went to grab my camera to catch it on video, but of course then they stopped.
Several nights ago, we were reading books before bed and were reading I Know My Mommy Loves Me. It's about a mommy brown bear and a son brown bear. There's this one page (where the mommy is making the son lunch to take to school) that Miles has always said, "that's not mommy, that's daddy', but he never elaborated. I always thought maybe the mommy looked bigger to him on that page than other pages, therefore looking like a daddy, but I wasn't sure. This time he went on to say, "mommies have white hands" and turns my hand over and over. I asked him what color daddies hands are and he replied "black". I asked him what color his hands were and he looked, turned them both over, and replied "I don't know!". It was quite comical. I asked what color Hailey's were (she was with us) and again he said he didn't know. Then he decided his hands were orange. Very funny! I've been curious when he would start making the distinction between us and where he would go with that. We'll have to see!
That same evening, Hailey had a toy back in the bedroom with her. It was a beautiful blanket bear that Uncle Matt, Aunt Missy, Gavin and Emmett got for her for her baptism. On the bottom, it has his baptism date and her name and it says "Bless this child". Miles picked it up and was looking at it for a minute and then said, "This says, Hailey, don't eat your toys!". It was pretty funny!A few nights later when just Miles and I were bug-bugging before bed, somehow we started talking about how much I loved him. I can't remember the exact foundation, but he starting saying that daddy loved him and Hailey loved him, but that I loved Hailey first. ouch. I talked to him for a minute about how that wasn't true and I loved him so much, with all my heart. Then the conversation deviated to where your heart is. He didn't believe it was in his chest and decided it must be in his belly. [on a side note-Miles, please don't EVER think that. I love you so much my heart could burst! I love you both very very much, but no one more than the other].
I've finally gotten Ahmad into the pool! One night before swim lessons last week, we went a bit early and swam before lessons started. Ahmad got in, but stayed on the steps with Hailey. Then we went again yesterday, and despite his nervousness, Ahmad was in all the way and hung out with both the kids. I'll make swimmer out of him yet!
Big news on the Hailey front....she sat up! Well, I put her in a sitting position, and she stayed! She sat for about 10 seconds or so playing with a toy before leaning to the side. So we got out my boppy to put around her and she sat playing for quite a bit-needing a little repositioning here and there, but she did great! She's been wanting to sit up for some time now and seems very proud of herself!
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