I took Friday off, which was actually our 5 year anniversary, to play hooky with the family and met up with our old neighbors, Katie and two of her kids, Evelyn and Robyn as well as the Klein family for a fun, but hot, afternoon at the zoo. Ahmad had been waiting all year for the Cheetahs to arrive and they didn't disappoint. They were hanging out in the shade, but it was still fun to see them.
Then on Saturday, we went to the Indy 500 parade downtown. It was really fun! We managed to get a spot in the shade, but unfortunately were a bit back from the street. Miles still enjoyed what he could see and could be as loud as he wanted and it didn't matter. Good times!
Then that evening once we were back and settled, we took the kids over to Amber and Jeff's and actually went out by ourselves! For the second time in 3.5 years! We went to a very nice dinner, walked around Metropolis (an outside mall) and got some ice cream. It felt like ages to us, but Amber and Jeff were shocked to see us back so soon and hadn't even had dinner yet!
Sunday we had our first swim of the season! While walking all year, we would often walk to the neighborhood pool to see what was going on and see if it was ready for us to swim yet. Miles was so excited that it was finally open! He did great and progress from strangling me to swimming by himself with a ring around him in one day! He tried jumping in, but didn't get too much into it. That was his favorite thing last year, so we'll have to see this year. Hailey got in on the action as well, but Ahmad just watched. We'll get him in one of these days! Hailey went under, but didn't seem to thrilled about it. However, she did seem to like just hanging out in the water. We took another dip on Monday and are excited to get Miles in his swim lessons next week.
After all that fun with the kids, it was really tough to get back to work this week. Miles also had a few rough days the beginning of the week, but ended wonderfully! We decided to make a second behavior chart for him that consisted of a few new things. He gets a sticker for Good Listening, Being Good at School, Letting Hailey Eat (he loves to mess with her while she's nursing!), Putting his Dishes in the Sink (decided it was time for a few chores!), and Brushing his Teeth at Night (he really only did it in the morning). So far, so good. He's gotten quite a few this week!
We even had a surprise visit from the Azars! They came into town Thursday and stopped over for dinner. It was great to see them and let the boys hang out and play a bit. Hopefully we'll see them again soon!
Miles also went to the dentist this week and did a fantastic job! He'd been before and had the hygienist check him out, but that was about it. He did a full cleaning this time and was so good! I couldn't believe it! He carried the bouncy ball he got afterwards to and from school every day this week and showed it to his teacher each day. It was pretty cute. On a side note, I've noticed that Miles also has a flip-flop tan and I think that's so cute too! It's funny, he likes to help burp Hailey and wants to pat her back. I think he just likes that he has permission to hit on her! Ahmad pats her back hard, like he did with Miles, while I pat her much softer. When I tell Miles to be gentle, he says, no, like Daddy does! Lol!
Hailey turned 4 months old last week and I can't believe it! She's getting so big and is about ready to start on some cereal. We go to the doctor next week and then I think we'll start. She stalks our food and just really wants to get into it! She's also trying to sit up and does mini sit-ups when she's laying down trying to get those abs of steel! She's mouthing everything and must be pre-teething. She's a slobber mess! She's so into everything and watches all that we do. She cracks up at Miles and always has a smile on her face.
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