Last week was back to normal, which was tough after having 2 short weeks in a row. However, Miles did fantastic at school last week and got his reward candy every day! We also started swim lessons last week at the neighborhood pool. We weren't overly impressed the first night, but it did get better. He has 8 sessions, Monday-Thursday two weeks in a row. It was a bit busy, but it was good to have them back to back like that. He's really enjoying them and is learning the basics. He also starts swimming at school this week, so he's going to have a lot of swimming going on! They have a large wading/baby pool at school that I guess is about knee deep (an adult knee!). He's so excited, I just hope the weather is good so they can use it.
This weekend went by very quickly, much too quickly. Hailey had her 4 month check up Friday morning at 10:30, so I didn't go in to work until after that, which was nice. I also took her in to work with me for the rest of the day, which was fun! My excuse was that she was going to have sots and might not want to be at daycare. I really thought she'd be fine, but as it turns out, she was not herself. She checked out good! She's 14 pounds 2 ounces and in the 70th percentile for weight. She's 26 inches long and is in the 95th percentile for height! She's putting all that nursing to good use! She's a bit leaner than Miles was at this age. He was 24 inches long and 15 pounds. I was also glad we had this appointment set up because she's had another cold for the last 2 weeks and I wasn't liking it. It turns out she had an ear infection in both ears! She's so good, we didn't even know something was bothering her! So, now she's on an antibiotic and also had a breathing treatment in the office to just break up the crud in her chest. It worked. We are back at our old pediatrician, and boy are we glad! We started her on cereal that night and it went fairly well! Miles of course wanted to feed her and of course I wouldn't let him! So his job is to wipe her face. And boy he's good at it! He wouldn't let anything be on her face and wiped her after every bite! We're figuring it out as we go, but so far, she's doing well.
Saturday was nice, Weight Watchers, hair cut, a walk looking at the neighborhood yard sales, a trip to Costco, and hanging out with the kids. Miles has been attached to my hip all weekend and went all these places with me! We did have another plumbing issue though, which wasn't fun, but it seems to be working now, so hopefully this won't be a recurring thing! Today was fun-we had my work picnic. We invite all our former and current clients annually to get together. It's really nice because a lot of families use this as an annual visit with their birthfamilies. It was wonderful to see everyone and so nice to have been a part of their journey. We have over 100 people RSVP and I'd say about 25 people at least didn't show, but a few did that we weren't expecting. At any rate, I had a nice time socializing and Miles and Ahmad hit the playground a few times and played a lot of baseball! Hailey was her usual smiley self and was a social butterfly.
Miles got up from bed a bit ago and when I looked he was peaking around the corner from his room. I went back with him and did another bug-bug and we just cuddled. At first I was trying to put him back down with the bug-bug because it was late enough, but then I caved and snuggled. I can't too often resist snuggling with him when he wants it. After a bit, he started talking about the sore in his mouth from where he bit his cheek like 4 times today. Then he paused and said "Mommy, Hailey was in your tummy for a long long long time." "Yes, she was." "Then she came out." "Yes, that's right." Silence. "Are you glad Hailey came out?" "Yes" "Me too". I love that I never know what is going to come out of his mouth!
I'm looking forward to another great week!
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