So Ahmad got a new Wii game the other week, Mario, and Miles absolutely loves playing it. He's getting pretty good too and really surprises me with how he plays. I'm not sure that I like that he plays video games like that he really sits down and plays them, but I'm not sure it can be avoided in this day either. So, we do limit it and I think that helps. Also, it's giving us some leverage-if he isn't cooperative with something or throws a tantrum, we can take it away. He's never really had something that he loves doing other than playing outside and reading books at night that affect his behavior. We've had to take it away a few times and it really seems to sink in, so that part is good.
I also developed a (crude) behavior chart last night and taped it to his door. There are 5 things on it-brushing his teeth, going potty, getting dressed, taking a bath, and putting on his jammies. If he does these things when we ask him to do them without a fuss, he gets a sticker. He is really receptive to stickers, so I'm hoping this will help. We need more positive reinforcement I think. I know there a ton of other things that could go on that chart, but I think this is a good start and I don't want to overwhelm him. These are the main issues he's been "asserting his independence" in lately, so I figured we start there. He's done well with it since last night and is excited to look at his stickers whenever he passes his door. Fingers crossed....!
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