Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Falling in Love

This past week has been pretty good...it's almost hard to remember right now! Miles' behavior chart is working pretty good, I've been impressed! Now, he still has his moments of insanity, but I do think it has helped, especially last week. We went to gymnastics last week and he didn't get the color spot he wanted at he start of class, so he decided not to participate. We stayed and watched even though he kept saying he wanted to go home. Hopefully he'll be into it again tomorrow. But then the next day, he was supposed to go to school. That night he woke up a few times saying his stomach hurt and then in the morning, he was complaining of his head hurting. We thought he might really be sick, but decided to send him anyway since those are common "complaints". Well, I was pulling into the daycare parking lot with every intention of going to the store afterwards and having a quiet day with Hailey, when he said his stomach hurt again and he needed to rest. I look back at him and he's throwing up. Ug! So, back home we went. He was actually better after that, still complaining here and there, but overall, better. We stayed home for the day and he recovered. The hardest part was trying to keep him from getting in Hailey's face! Ahmad's brother, Jamal, and his family came into town for a long weekend and we saw them Thursday evening for a bit as well.

When we were at Babies R Us, Miles spotted Garfield, which was pretty funny because we've rented a Garfield video of old episodes from the library and he's been watching them, so he knew who he was...but he wouldn't let me turn the car on for a short ride!

Saturday was beautiful and we spent the afternoon at the zoo with the Kleins and Amber's sister, Monica. We had a good time, but it seemed way too short! I promised Miles we could go on the train and of course, the one we got on, wouldn't start. We sat there for a good 15 minutes at least before going. Oh well. Afterwards, we headed to the Kleins for dinner and hanging out. We are excited-they agreed to be Hailey's Godparents! :)

Sunday was beautiful again and we all took a walk early in the morning and then played outside for a good part of the day. Our wonderful neighbors down the street even gave us a bunch of clothes for Hailey! Miles loves having a boy to play with this summer, even if he is a bit older.

Yesterday, I had to head to Babies R Us for some things and then decided to take Miles to a different park than we typically go to. He had a blast! They have a ton of play equipment and a huge play structure that is for older kids (5 and up), but he loved it. He was a bit nervous on it, but did pretty well. I'd say the highest slide on it was about 20-25 feet up (he was too nervous to go on it). He enjoyed it so much that he wanted to go back today. We played for a bit, but then he was run out by some big kids. So we hiked/walked in the woods. It was gorgeous and wonderful to be in the woods and nature. We went down the river and got pretty muddy before heading back. I took some pictures of Miles on this wooden walkway that I'm excited to compare to some that I took of him there about a year and a half ago. I think it will be neat to get them side by side!



Hailey has been great! She's getting so big already, I can't believe it. She sucks on her hands all the time and is starting to roll onto one side already. She's awake more and more and is watching everything! She coos and ahhs and her smiles bring tears to my eyes. She's amazing!

She's been fighting a cold for a while now, probably a good 2-3 weeks and yesterday she was down and out. Not herself at all and running a slight fever. After a dose of Tylenol and a good nap, she was feeling better though and was back to her old self. It's amazing though, she is always so happy and smiley. Even during a coughing fit, she would look up at me and just grin away. When she was sick yesterday, you could definitely tell.

I can't remember if I had written about Miles' nighttime games or not, but was meaning to do so. We have various games we play when we're bug bugging, and I wanted to take note. His favorite is "wiggles". When I get up to put back the books we read and turn on his moon, he lays on "my" pillow ( the one I use when laying with him) and pretends to sleep. I then lay on him as my pillow and ask who's sleeping on my pillow. Then he wiggles around and I say I can't sleep on this pillow because it's all wiggly. I proceed to tickle him to get the wiggles out so I can sleep on him again. It's an endless game and one that we play almost every night. The other game we often play is "animals". He has animal stickers on his walls and I ask him all kinds of questions about the animals, like which animals have wings, which animal is fast, which animal likes in a nest, which animal has antennas, etc. He loves it and it's always a challenge to try to come up with new questions.

When Ahmad and I were in marriage preparation classes, I remember the lead couple talking about falling in love with each other over and over again throughout the years, in different ways. I feel that happening often and love it when it does. I've also found that happening with Miles and Hailey. I don't know any other way to describe it than that, falling in love with them again and again. I am truly blessed.

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