Thursday when I picked him up from school he was getting ready to touch my car, which was absolutely filthy from the weather we've been having. I told him not to touch because it was yucky. He replied by saying I needed a car wash. I had planned on trying to get him to go with me to the car wash, but he's not a big fan of them and will typically tell me he wants to go and then change his mind when we're pulling in. There's one right by school that we pass everyday, so he talks about them often, but still thinks they are scary. I told him he was right and asked if he wanted to go get one with me. He said yes, but that he wanted me to put my hand on his lap when we went. I said ok. As soon as we were in the car, he wanted my hand on his knee and he continued to hold my hand, very tightly until we were done. I was very proud of him, he was scared, and he said he was scared, and he fussed a bit, but he didn't change his mind. When we were done, he was saying how scary it was with the big brushes and he wanted to tell daddy all about it and how daddy would be so proud of him.
I had posted a while back about how Miles had to have his entourage with him when we left for school each morning. Well, we've been able to start the new year without them! After Miles' week at home with me over the holidays, I was going to start a new rule of only taking one animal with him to school because 1) it's a lot to carry in the morning and I often have to make several trips to the car and 2) there won't be room in the car for all those animals and blankets when we have the new baby. So, the first day to school after the break, I was prepared, but he did great! We didn't take any animals and only one blanket! He's been able to keep that up and doesn't even ask to bring them and has even commented that they will wait for him on his bed til he gets home. That's my big boy!
Miles got a new train set from Papa and Grandma for Christmas and his birthday and it arrived on Saturday. He had a great time with it all weekend and loves the bridge and railroad crossing. While Ahmad was helping him put it together, Ahmad said something about moving a piece to a different place and Miles replied "That makes sense daddy"! It was too funny. We have no idea where that came from. Then last night, he wanted a snack and I told him he should take a bath first and then get a snack and he said "Ok, that makes sense mommy". Ha!
Amber, Jeff, and Lauren came over Saturday night to spoil us for a while. Not only did we have wonderful company, but they brought us a complete dinner and a huge box of diapers for the baby. They are such wonderful and supportive friends and we are so thankful for them!
Last weekend, Miles volunteered to help Ahmad clean the didn't last too long, but it was a nice gesture!

Miles has now learned how to bowl on the Wii and it's too funny. He is so serious and does a great job! I think his scores are better than mine!
Miles was transitioned into a toddler bed this summer right after we found out I was pregnant, probably in June and then he went into his big brother bed (full size) I think sometime in September or early October. He never got out of bed and has continued to be a good sleeper for the most part. When he woke up after a nap or in the morning, he'd just call for us to come get him. Well, he has recently begun getting out of his bed when he wakes up. Not all the time, but I'd say probably 3-4 times in the last month he's wondered out after a nap or in the morning. The other morning, Ahmad heard his door hit the wall and we found him standing in our doorway while we were still in bed. It's been pretty cute and harmless thus far. However, last night, he realized that he could get out of bed before he even went to sleep! He went down as normal and then called for daddy and went to the potty. He wouldn't go back down and asked for me again. We bug-bugged and he kept telling me that he couldn't sleep by himself and he wanted to sleep with mommy and daddy. We talked about it and I wasn't sure where this was coming from because he's never slept with us before outside of a few hours here and there when he was very little. Well, he wouldn't go down. He kept getting up and coming into the hallway and laying down, saying he wanted to sleep in the hall on the floor. It was a battle-lay him in bed, he got up, lay him in bed, he got up. I even got out his sleeping bag and put it on his bed and told him he could sleep in it if he stayed in bed. He was fairly interested and agreed. But, it didn't last. He was up again, so the bag went back in his closet. Well, finally, after 2 hours (we had gotten him down a bit early to begin with and were excited about that!), he finally stayed in bed and fell asleep. Whew! We'll see how long this goes on. Hopefully he'll have it out of his system before the baby comes! He woke up talking about the experience and we discussed how he had to stay in bed, etc. He said ok, so we'll see how it goes tonight.
We are definitely on baby watch now! I'm due in 5 days and am having a lot of contractions. I had a full day of them yesterday and actually had a bit of a rough day; just feeling very pregnant, achy and sore. I was able to get some rest though and am feeling a bit better today. However, I have the day off and decided to send Miles to daycare anyway so I could rest some more. I won't have too many more days to do this before the baby comes! So, I'm relaxing and doing as little as possible and will pick up Miles early, after his nap.
Ahmad was beat boxing one day a while back, and of course Miles couldn't resist a good beat!
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