Miles has gotten better as the week has gone on with going to bed at night. Thank you Miles! It seems it may have even passed, but I hope I'm not speaking too soon as Ahmad is finishing putting him down now. He really only got out of bed that one night and fussed the other nights, each night getting better and better. The last two nights, he's gone right now. You could tell on Friday though that he'd been up late all week-he was exhausted!
Miles has learned how to snap his pants and can work most zippers now. He's so proud of himself and of course we are too! He couldn't wait to show me and daddy how he could snap his pants last week. It was pretty funny; one day last week when I picked Miles up from daycare, he had the hiccups. They were really bugging him and he kept telling them to go away. Then he decided he needed to go home and brush his teeth in order for them to go away. He went on and on about this. Of course by the time we got home, they were gone and he forgot all about brushing his teeth.
It was raining a few days last week and one day when we got home, Miles decided to get his umbrella out and play for a bit. He had a good time, but it was so cold, we didn't play long!
Miles is into things that curve. He calls the curves "wiggles". Like in his train tracks, he doesn't like the wiggles because his train often falls over. He has a book with a curvy slide in it and he calls it the wiggle slide. He even comments on them when we're in the car. It's pretty cute. He's also into his pretend lion lately. Anything that goes on that maybe he shouldn't do (lock the doors, hit, eat poop (?!), etc) he says well, the lion can do it. I think it's his scapegoat! He doesn't actually do those things, but sometimes he will talk about them and how he doesn't do them, but a lion could. He also says a lion could be down the hallway and continues to like the light on most times when we are home.
Miles also spent some time practicing with his camera this weekend and was trying to capture a squirrel on the tree outside he'd been noticing all morning. He kept running up the tree with food, putting it in his nest (which we could actually see through the skylight, so that was neat), and running back down. Then he kept telling us to pose and say cheese!
On Saturday, Ahmad took Miles out to run some errands and have some time with him while I was "resting" at home. They went to a Gyro place for lunch and Miles picked up a free Auto and RV magazine and has been into it ever since. He came in the door "reading" it and Ahmad said he'd been looking at it the entire ride home. He picked it up Sunday morning and had me pretend to go to sleep next to him while he read his magazine. He instructed me not to touch it either! He was actually on a page that had an order form for something and he commented that he needed his money so he could order something! It was pretty funny. When I asked him what he was going to order, he replied "pizza. It's really good!". Then this morning, he was watching a show and eating some cereal while I got ready for work and he called out to me in the back "mommy, hey mommy, look look!" I wasn't sure what to expect, but he came back into our room and showed me a picture in that magazine of people camping and spent about a good 5 minutes talking to me about the photo (campfire, lights, people, etc). It was funny.
After school today, we stopped by Walmart for a few essentials and on the way home, I was stopped at a light ready to turn right. He was talking about the light turning green and all the cars that were going by and how we had to wait for them before we could go (a common conversation while in the car). Then it was clear and I could turn. He got pretty upset I didn't wait until the light turned green! All the sudden, I found myself trying to explain turning right on red to an almost 3 year old. It was pretty funny. He didn't understand, of course, and wanted me to go back and wait for the light to turn green. :)
As I mentioned, we are still waiting on baby. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday and if I'm there for it, we'll talk about setting a date for a c-section. I'm not sure if that means the next day or just sometime soon. I hope it's not the next day because that's Miles' birthday! We'll see! Hopefully we won't get to that point though. There are a few things at work this week I wouldn't mind missing! Miles is pretty excited about his birthday and upcoming party, but keeps saying that baby has to come first. He's right, that's what I've been telling him for the last month, but maybe we'll be out of order? We asked him when baby was coming the other day and he told Ahmad it was coming Tuesday, which is tomorrow. But he keeps telling me baby is coming at his party. That would be some party!
It seems I may have spoken too early...while I was typing, I had to go back and say goodnight to Miles again and Ahmad is still back there...we'll see how long it goes on tonight!
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