Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Miles has so much to say these days! One of his latest sayings is "Mommy, you worry about you and I'll worry about Miles". It cracks me up! Seems that his teacher says this a lot...She also told me today that today he covered his hears and said "My ears are ringing!". We're not sure where that one came from. He still often thinks that something is down the hallway and says it scares him. We keep the hallway light on often now. Our neighbors moved over the weekend (booo!) and as I keep explaining to him that Evelyn is moving to a new house and we'll have to go in the car to visit her instead of knocking on the door, he says that she's getting a new house because hers is broken. He got this echo microphone in his stocking at Christmas and he calls it a "talking phone". I've been saying to him for a while "No Way Jose!" for various things when we're playing around. He's picked up on it and now says "No Way Whoo-Say!" It's pretty cute! As I said before, he's into noises and figuring out where they are coming from. He sometimes says "What's that noise? Oh, that was me!" haha! He continues to be so excited about the baby coming and I've been trying to talk to him more about what's really going to be happening. I told him I'd be going to the hospital and wouldn't see him for a few days. He keeps telling me, "no mommy, I go with you!". Then I talked to him about how sometimes the baby might need something and mommy or daddy might have to feed him/her, hold him/her, or something else. He says "no mommy, I hold him. We take turns!" Then he tells me I can't hold the baby, that he will take care of the baby all by himself.

We went to pick out Miles' birthday party supplies over the weekend and he had a blast! He was so excited to think about his party. We settled on a sports theme-basketball, football, baseball, and soccer. We're planning a small party for Miles, with only 3 other families coming. Hopefully everyone can come and the baby doesn't interrupt the party plans!

We also had a short visit from the Azars Sunday morning. It was great to see them and catch up for a little bit. Ramzi has gotten so big since we last saw him! Now we're just waiting on our baby to come! We're getting so close now, I can't believe it. I have most things wrapped up at work and everything seems to be ready here at home. I can tell it's getting close and have been having a lot of contractions, pelvic discomfort, and some pressure lately. I go back to the doctor on Thursday and hope to learn something!

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