Monday, November 30, 2009

Turkey Teeth

This last week was another adventurous week at the Keyes house! Lots of fun times were had. Miles is still really into the baby and wants to see it all the time. He even tells daddy when he touches my belly to not touch 'his' baby. Too funny! It's been interesting this week; I've heard that when a new baby arrives, sometimes your older child/ren can show some signs of regression, but it seems Miles is doing this already! Not too bad, but definitely bringing up things from the past. He's suddenly started calling us 'mama' and 'dada' fairly often and has begun wanting to drink out of a sippy cup again. He hasn't been drinking out of a sippy for some time now and now always wants one. He's also been using his baby sign language more often lately. He'd pretty much stopped using it since he can get his point across with words now, but this past week, he's been signing 'more', 'eat', and 'drink' that I've noticed.

Miles is also still really into playing basketball and has a great time with daddy about every day! They've even started doing introductions before they begin to play...sometimes this is Miles' favorite part and does like 5 intros!

We had a good time getting ready for the Thanksgiving festivities and Miles helped me make the apple pie we were going to have as dessert!

Mama and Papa Keyes came down to spend Thanksgiving with us and we had a great time! It'd been a while since they were down, so it was real nice to have them here. Miles loved visiting with them! He ended up napping through Thanksgiving dinner with one of his 3 1/2 hour power naps, but he eventually did have a little bit of turkey, which Ahmad had fried.

We had gotten some sparkling grape juice to have too, but didn't get to that with him really until the weekend. We got out our plastic picnic wine glasses and had 'fancy drinks'. He thought that was the best thing ever! We drank them all weekend. On Friday, we took Mama and Papa Keyes to the Children's Museum and showed them all around. Of course we had a blast!

Miles and daddy went down the Yule Slide and then we went to visit Santa. Miles was excited to see him and chose visiting him over the dinosaurs, but as we got closer to seeing him, he changed his mind and didn't want to visit Santa. Too late! We were about 3 people back, so we were going to see him. Miles didn't cry, but he wasn't happy either!

It was a fairly nice and mild weekend and on Saturday, we were able to get outside and get up the Christmas decorations. Well, Ahmad put them up and we watched! Miles loves the lights!

The other night, Miles played pretend in a new way. We were spending time bug-bugging before bed and he decided to act like he was mommy and I was Miles. It was very cute! He offered me some of his water and then sang me the ABCs and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I can see role playing taking off now!

Miles was funny getting dressed this morning. I got out a football type shirt to wear and he insisted, no, he wanted his Colts shirt. I was a bit surprised he even knew he had one, but went to get it. It turned out he really wanted his Notre Dame outfit, so he wore that. Then, when we were getting ready to put on his shoes, he had a bit of a hard time because he didn't have any 'football shoes' to wear with his outfit! I tried to get him to wear the regular ones he likes, but he insisted those were his basketball shoes and he couldn't wear them with his football outfit. I had to laugh! So I tried to get him to wear a blue pair that at least matched, but he didn't go for that either. He did end up wearing the basketball shoes, but after much distress.

This morning was Miles' first official trip to the dentist. We talked about it this weekend and this morning. He was all about going and was practicing how to say "Ah" and how to show the dentist his teeth. He even insisted he would go first (we both had appointments), but once we got there, he didn't want to go at all! He sat very nicely next to me in a chair while I got my teeth cleaned and paid close attention to everything they were doing. Then when it was his turn, he didn't want to show his teeth. He clung to me like he was scared to death! After a few tickles, he warmed up and allowed the hygenist to look at his teeth. He did quite well! She said he had great teeth and it looked like he brushed very well! I was surprised as I was a bit concerned he wasn't brushing enough. She said it looked good and to keep it up. We'll keep bringing him with us and eventually, they will clean his teeth too.

All in all, this week is off to a good start! :)

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