I got a bad cold a few weeks ago and have pretty much recovered, but still have a lingering cough (no, it's not swine flu!) and sometimes have a coughing fit. Miles is too cute and comes and holds me to him, patting my back and saying "come here mommy, it's ok, you're ok" until I'm finished. He's such a sweet pea!
Miles is also still so adorable with my belly! He pulls up my shirt all the time and hugs the baby, pats it, and gives it kisses. He talks about when the baby gets bigger, it'll be able to talk to him and play "dunk dunk" (a.k.a. basketball) with him. He says how nice the baby is and how little it is. He pretends to take the baby and hold it and cuddle it. Too cute! He says he's going to have a little brother. We'll see soon enough! The other night, he put a ball down his jammies and acted like he had a baby in his belly too. It was very funny!
I also turned 7 months on Friday! I can't believe how time has flown this pregnancy. I think it did the first time around and this time, it's gone twice as fast. I finally had to take off my wedding ring and right hand ring on Friday too. I knew it was getting close, but all the sudden, that was it. :( Now I'm wearing my fake wedding ring!
Since time is flying and the baby's arrival is getting close, we decided we finally had to buckle down and work on the baby's room. So, we spent much of the weekend painting. We just have to touch up the ceiling and add some circles and then we'll be done. I'm hoping to get to that after I finish posting. We were going to do a horizontal strip around the room in two colors, but after working on that last night, for some reason (Ahmad says he unde
We took a break and finally also carved our Halloween pumpkins Halloween morning. Miles did quite well considering last year he had about zero interest and w
When we (my brothers and I) were growing up, our dad always had us carve lots of pumpkins because he really liked the seeds. It was very important to make sure we did a good job of separating the seeds from the guts and we had to make sure there were no seeds gone to waste. It became quite a tradition and I'm sure he misses our seeds now! I had to laugh because I found myself saying some of the same things and really trying to get Miles to not play in the seeds because he was spilling them. However, I know how tempting they are because they are so slimy feeling. The mess we made never would have stood up when I was younger!
enjoying his candy stash very much!
We finished up the week last night with some Roots dancing, Miles leading the way through the obstacle course he set up. He had a great time, but I had to sit out a round or two!
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