This last week was a good week! Miles has been really good and the hitting phase seems to be over. I'm sure there will be exceptions here and there, but he has only hit once in almost 2 weeks. This is such a huge relief! He's still having more accidents, but hasn't had one in the last 3 days, so perhaps that is getting better too. We've been working hard on getting the baby's room ready and finally have it all painted and the furniture placed. We still have some finishing touches, but it's mostly together. After not being able to get the stripes exactly how we wanted, we decided to ditch that idea and go with polk

a dots. I'm so glad we did-I love it! Miles is rea

lly getting into the baby now and was excited when we were working on the room. He kept telling us to watch out because the baby was coming! When I picked him up from school today, the teacher told me that he was talking about the baby today and said that he was going to be a big brother and have a little sister and her name was going to be Miles. :) We haven't even talked to him about names, so I guess we need to start doing that! He chose to read the Big Brother book tonight, so this must be on his mind.
He's been very independent this week too and insisting on doing things himself-everything from getting dressed or undressed to opening containers, going potty, and cleaning up. It's a fun change, but we sure have to plan extra time now! He's also still insistant on taking all his belongings with him when he leaves for school. Both pumpkin buckets, 3 stuffed animals and 3 blankets. It's so funny! He calls them his stuff and his purse-we think this may be from watching me in the mornings with all the things I usually have to take to work-a bag, computer and purse!
We had wonderful

warm fall weather this weekend and were able to get outside on Saturday and Sunday. Ahmad bought a smoker to smoke something (hasn't decided what yet!) for Thanksgiving and had to try it out Saturday. He smoked a chicken and it was delicious! While outside smoking the chicken, Miles decided it was football weather and wanted to play catch with Daddy. He instructed daddy to go get the helmets and he'd get the football. All we have

are bicycle helmets, so that's what they wore! Miles even caught the ball a few times!

After playing football for a bit, Miles needed a change of pace and decided he wanted to bowl. The only problem-no bowling set. However, we do have one that he will get either for Christmas or his birthday. I was so tempted to pull it out, but I resisted and got creative instead. We bowled with a ball and papertowel rolls...

Then we headed back into the leaf piles Ahmad had created and had

fun messing them up!

Lastly, tonight we introduced him to Connect Four. He wasn't into actually playing it, but did enjoy putting all the "wheels" into the game and found it very interesting that there was one missing and it was always the top right corner that was missing!
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