Hailey is 2. How did that happen? How did my little bitty baby girl just turn 2 today? I can't believe it. I like to think she's still my baby, but she's not. She's turning into such a big girl. It's such a joy to see her grow and explore and turn into the delightful little girl that she is. She melts my heart. Here are some things she's into these days:

- She adores Dora
- She also likes watching Team Umizoomi, Tinkerbell, Caillou, Mickey Mouse, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Bubble Guppies and Shrek
- Hailey is exploring and really getting into pretend play
- She loves playing with her babies, mostly feeding them, changing their diaper, or putting them down to sleep
- She also loves to cook in her kitchen; she always tell me whatever she is serving is "hot" and to "blow it"
- She loves to be naked and takes off at any chance she can get
- Hailey loves to pick out her "pretties" for her hair in the morning, deciding which bow, barrette, or hair tie to use
- Hailey likes to wear dresses and look "pretty"
- After she is dressed in a pretty outfit, she runs to go show daddy
- Hailey is a shoe diva
- Hailey is singing many different songs and counting well to 10 and fairly well to 20; she knows a lot of her colors (fav is purple!) and most of her shapes
- Hailey is physical as well and can climb, run and jump with the best of them!
- Hailey likes bugs and will be the first to try to touch them
- She loves art things such as painting, drawing, cutting, or playing play dough
- Hailey is going to be a lefty
- She delights in seeing herself in a photo or video or something she has made, exclaiming "I make!"
- She has discovered making funny faces and loves to look in the mirror when making one, asking to see "a picture"
- She weighed in and measured height in the 25th percentile for her 2 year well check
- If she can't reach something she wants, Hailey will exclaim "table!" and go get a little stool
- She loves her big brother and playing with him
- Hailey has begun coming into our bed again in the middle of the night (totally my fault!); while I need to break this habit asap, I do love her snuggles
- She loves pasta, pizza, cheese, pickles and hot dogs
- She is trying to potty train, but not getting real far
- She loves books and animals
- Hailey amazes me each and every day. She is a comedian and loves to put on a show for anyone watching. Once you laugh, she's got you and will continue her shenanigans. Hailey has so much personality and charm, I know she will go far. I hope she, too, remembers my love for her and how I am always here for her, no matter what, and will support her forever and ever with my whole my heart.
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