Miles wanted to pose too!
I ended up surviving my first week back at work and so did the kids. It actually seemed to get harder as the week went on though-I saw the kids less because I was working everyday and I kept discovering new things that weren't quite right at work and I got more and more tired. However, we made it and are on to week number 2.
The rains held out Saturday long enough for us to attend a hospital festival. It was on the north-side just fund-raising and showing off new surgery equipment. They had a lot of fun things and I think Miles was the perfect age for it. They had old fire trucks, ambulance, bounce house, animals, construction equipment, etc and he had a blast playing on everything. He got a plastic fireman's helmet and kept saying he was a fire truck man. It was funny! He was so intrigued by the bounce house. He'd been on one once last fall, but it took him a while to get in it. On Saturday, he kept saying he wanted to go in it, but once we got in line, took off his shoes and it was his turn, he'd change his mind. He kept saying there were too many big kids. It was cute.

Daddy rode with Miles so he wouldn't be scared
(below: Miles wanted to use my camera to take my and Hailey's picture!)
Miles and I played hide and seek one evening and he got it this time and had a blast!
I have my 'pet' names for Miles and Hailey-Miles is SweetPea (and Miles Smiles, Smiley, Miler, Punky, Chipmunk, etc!) and Hailey's is Love (or Lovey, Loveys, Sweet Love, Love Bug, etc!). It's so cute because Miles calls Hailey Lovey now too. He'll say "Hi Lovey! Don't cry little girl, don't cry!" He's such a great big brother and she just grins away at him. I can't wait to see how they interact once she's mobile!
Miles and I have a new 'game' to play at bedtime now. We just started it last night...not sure how it evolved, but it did. I was asking him what we had done that day (not much-just went to the store and hung out at home) and he was saying he didn't know. So I made up some silly story about what we did and he just thought it was hilarious! He kept asking me again and again to tell him a 'favorite' (not sure how he came up with that name, but that's what he's calling it). I kept making up silly things that I state we did or wore and he continued to crack up. He was talking about this morning and again when I picked him up from school and couldn't wait to 'play' before bed. So much fun to have these special times with him.
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