Just a snapshot into our lives as a young growing family wanting to capture and preserve life's precious moments.
Monday, May 24, 2010
When I weighed in on Saturday, I had exceeded loosing 10% of my body weight! I am now down 20.2 pounds!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
It's been a busy week for us! Last weekend I ended up having a ton of outside work to do, so we headed out of town. We stopped in Columbus on the way to New Albany for a visit with a family then went on in to NA. We spent the weekend with Nana and Grampie and on Saturday I had to go to the hospital for a birth. We headed back up home on Sunday and stopped in Nashville for another home visit. It was really good to see them, it feels like it has been forever! We had fun with Grampie and Miles and Nana played pirates....good times! They also came up to Nashville with us and treated us to a birthday dinner for me!

This week was a bit rough for Miles at daycare. Well, it started off rough. He just wasn't listening to his teachers, so we implemented a reward system. We took in our leftover Easter candy and if he's good during the day, he gets a piece before going home. Either it's working or he just decided to have a better rest of the week. Now, it's been an up and down weekend, but that's ok.

We hung out with the Kleins on Friday night and they grilled out a great dinner for us to enjoy. Lauren is getting so big! I didn't think it'd been that long since we'd last seen them, but her hair is getting longer and curly and she's crawling! Such a big girl all the sudden!
Hailey is getting so big! I can't believe she's going to be 4 months old next week. She watches us like a hawk when we're eating and we think she's about ready to start on some cereal. She can start when she's 4 months old, but we want to wait until she goes to the doctor in June and talk to her about it first. Miles didn't start on cereal until he was 5 months, but Hailey will probably start earlier. They say that when they are interested in you eating, they are ready, so she's there! She's eating well at daycare too, taking 5-6 ounces twice a day usually. She's rolling over in both directions now and is even rolling over onto her belly to sleep. She makes me nervous doing that, but we're letting her. I'll feel better too when we get the fix-it kit for her crib. It was recalled and we've been waiting on the piece to immobilize the drop side. At first, we weren't too concerned because she wasn't moving around at night too much. But now she is! The other morning, she managed to turn on her crib toy and then turn over! She was surprised herself! She's also staying awake more in the evenings, which is so nice! She's interested in her toys and brings everything to her mouth. She's constantly eating her hands! And she's still so smiley. She smiles all the time! This weekend she's battling a cold, so she's been a bit off, but still after a fuss, she looks up and smiles! Oh! And she laughed out loud this week! Miles was acting silly and she laughed at him! It was so cute! I can't wait to hear more of her giggles.

This week was a bit rough for Miles at daycare. Well, it started off rough. He just wasn't listening to his teachers, so we implemented a reward system. We took in our leftover Easter candy and if he's good during the day, he gets a piece before going home. Either it's working or he just decided to have a better rest of the week. Now, it's been an up and down weekend, but that's ok.
Miles had a 500 bike race at daycare
Sand fun
We hung out with the Kleins on Friday night and they grilled out a great dinner for us to enjoy. Lauren is getting so big! I didn't think it'd been that long since we'd last seen them, but her hair is getting longer and curly and she's crawling! Such a big girl all the sudden!
Hailey is getting so big! I can't believe she's going to be 4 months old next week. She watches us like a hawk when we're eating and we think she's about ready to start on some cereal. She can start when she's 4 months old, but we want to wait until she goes to the doctor in June and talk to her about it first. Miles didn't start on cereal until he was 5 months, but Hailey will probably start earlier. They say that when they are interested in you eating, they are ready, so she's there! She's eating well at daycare too, taking 5-6 ounces twice a day usually. She's rolling over in both directions now and is even rolling over onto her belly to sleep. She makes me nervous doing that, but we're letting her. I'll feel better too when we get the fix-it kit for her crib. It was recalled and we've been waiting on the piece to immobilize the drop side. At first, we weren't too concerned because she wasn't moving around at night too much. But now she is! The other morning, she managed to turn on her crib toy and then turn over! She was surprised herself! She's also staying awake more in the evenings, which is so nice! She's interested in her toys and brings everything to her mouth. She's constantly eating her hands! And she's still so smiley. She smiles all the time! This weekend she's battling a cold, so she's been a bit off, but still after a fuss, she looks up and smiles! Oh! And she laughed out loud this week! Miles was acting silly and she laughed at him! It was so cute! I can't wait to hear more of her giggles.
Dressed up for church
Monday, May 17, 2010
Happy Birthday To Me!
My birthday came and snuck up on me today! I knew it was coming, but it didn't really hit me until yesterday when I had a birthday dinner with my parents. It was a fairly uneventful day-as you may have read in a previous post, it was a rough morning for us all. Then there was only 1 other part time staff at work today and she didn't know it was my birthday. I didn't say anything; it didn't really matter and I'm not one to really tell everyone that. Anyway, it was a quiet day working mainly by myself. After getting Miles and dealing with his school drama, I came home to find 32 balloons, some ribbon, pizza, and DQ ice cream cake! Yum! Ahmad did a great job and even had the point totals for me for dinner so I could track it all. I also found a zillion posts to me on Facebook wishing me a happy day. I was actually really surprised by all the warm wishes from so many different people. I feel really blessed. Even people I don't really talk to, but are friends with on facebook wished me a happy day. And I got some great phone calls from friends and family too. I actually missed most of their calls, but they really made me smile and brightened my day. Thank you!
So Miles had a tough day today at school. It started out a bit rough this morning before we even left, but I thought he had shook it. He didn't. Looks like we have to instill a reward system at school again for good behavior. When we were bug-bugging before bed, I was trying to talk about feelings and was suggesting things he may be feeling. I tried things like asking him if he ever got mad at mommy and daddy (he said yes), if he was sad (he said no), if he was upset with baby Hailey (he said no), if it was hard being small and having people tell you what to do (he said yes), etc. Then I asked him if it made him sad that I couldn't stay home with him and had to go back to work. He said, no, it didn't make him sad. He just lost me. I asked if he feels like he lost me when I went back to work and he said yes and that I work very far away. Needless to say, it broke my heart. We went on to talk about that some and how I always come back to get him and then we agreed to make a map tomorrow of how to get to work so he could find me. I think I may do that tonight so he can have it at school tomorrow if he needs it. Then he asked me if I missed him and I told him yes and gave him a big hug. Then he told me to make him happy and asked me to tickle him. I think needed to lighten the mood a bit, so of course I obliged.
Monday Monday
I just noticed a trend today...Mondays are hard! Not only are they hard on the kids, but they are hard on me. I'm still adjusting to going back to work and I have to say it's taking much longer this time than it did the first time. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because now I'm leaving two kids. Maybe because I had such a good time with all the new fun things I could do with Miles and had a great experience bonding with Hailey. I'm not sure. But I can feel it on Mondays the worst. Going back to work after spending the weekend with them is hard. It seems to get a bit easier in the following days, only to get tougher again at the end of the week because I haven't seen them now for several days (for very long that is). I definitely had a case of the Mondays today!
Happy Belated Mother's Day
I just realized today that I didn't post on Mother's Day. I meant to. I wanted to take a moment to thank Miles and Hailey for making me a mom. I wanted to thank Ahmad for giving me the opportunity and support to be a mom. I wanted to thank my mom for teaching me how to be a mom. I wanted to thank all the moms I know for sharing their secrets and their thoughts with me. They have all helped shape the mom I am today. And I have to say being a mom is the most exclusive group I have ever belonged to. And it's amazing. I never knew how amazing it would be nor can I describe it someone who isn't one. I've never had so many feelings and emotions evoked by someone so small or by the smallest incident such as a smile or a tear. It's absolutely amazing. So, happy belated mother's day to all the mothers out there. You are amazing and are doing an amazing job! And to all those who want to be mothers, I hope your babies find you soon!
I got this email forward today that brought tears to my eyes and down my cheeks:
I got this email forward today that brought tears to my eyes and down my cheeks:
The young mother set her foot on the path of life. "Is this the long
way?"she asked. And the guide said "Yes, and the way is hard. And you
will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better
than the beginning."
But the young mother was happy, and she would not believe that anything
could be better than these years. So she played with her children, she
fed them and bathed them, and taught them how to tie their shoes and
ride a bike and reminded them to feed the dog, and do their homework and
brush their teeth.
The sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried, "Nothing will ever be
lovelier than this."
Then the nights came, and the storms, and the path was sometimes dark,
and the children shook with fear and cold, and the mother drew them
close and covered them with her arms, and the children said, "Mother, we
are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come." And the morning
came, and there was a hill ahead, and the children climbed and grew
weary, and the mother was weary. But at all times she said to the
children, "A little patience and we are there." So the children climbed,
and as they climbed they learned to weather the storms. And with this,
she gave them strength to face the world.
Year after year, she showed them compassion, understanding, hope, but
most of all...unconditional love. And when they reached the top they
said, "Mother, we would not have done it without you."
The days went on, and the weeks and the months and the years, and the
mother grew old and she became little and bent. But her children were
tall and strong, and walked with courage. And the other, when she lay
down at night, looked up at the stars and said, "This is a better day
than the last, for my children have learned so much and are now passing
these traits on to their children."
And when the way became rough for her, they lifted her, and gave her
their strength, just as she had given them hers. One day they came to a
hill, and beyond the hill, they could see a shining road and golden
gates flung wide. And mother said: "I have reached the end of my
journey. And now I know the end is better than the beginning, for my
children can walk with dignity and pride, with their heads held high,
and so can their children after them. And the children said, "You will
always walk with us, Mother, even when you have gone through the gates."
And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gates
closed after her. And they said: "We cannot see her, but she is with us
A Mother like ours is more than a memory. She is a living presence."
Your Mother is always with you. She's the whisper of the leaves as you
walk down the street, she's the smell of certain foods you remember,
flowers you pick and perfume that she wore, she's the cool hand on your
brow when you're not feeling well, she's your breath in the air on a
cold winter's day. She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep,
the colors of a rainbow, she is Christmas morning. Your Mother lives
inside your laughter. And she's crystallized in every tear drop. A
mother shows every emotion ,happiness, sadness, fear, jealousy, love,
hate, anger, helplessness, excitement, joy, sorrow... and all the while,
hoping and praying you will only know the good feelings in life.
She's the place you came from, your first home, and she's the map you
follow with every step you take. She's your first love, your first
friend, even your first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you.
Not time, not space...not even death!
way?"she asked. And the guide said "Yes, and the way is hard. And you
will be old before you reach the end of it. But the end will be better
than the beginning."
But the young mother was happy, and she would not believe that anything
could be better than these years. So she played with her children, she
fed them and bathed them, and taught them how to tie their shoes and
ride a bike and reminded them to feed the dog, and do their homework and
brush their teeth.
The sun shone on them, and the young Mother cried, "Nothing will ever be
lovelier than this."
Then the nights came, and the storms, and the path was sometimes dark,
and the children shook with fear and cold, and the mother drew them
close and covered them with her arms, and the children said, "Mother, we
are not afraid, for you are near, and no harm can come." And the morning
came, and there was a hill ahead, and the children climbed and grew
weary, and the mother was weary. But at all times she said to the
children, "A little patience and we are there." So the children climbed,
and as they climbed they learned to weather the storms. And with this,
she gave them strength to face the world.
Year after year, she showed them compassion, understanding, hope, but
most of all...unconditional love. And when they reached the top they
said, "Mother, we would not have done it without you."
The days went on, and the weeks and the months and the years, and the
mother grew old and she became little and bent. But her children were
tall and strong, and walked with courage. And the other, when she lay
down at night, looked up at the stars and said, "This is a better day
than the last, for my children have learned so much and are now passing
these traits on to their children."
And when the way became rough for her, they lifted her, and gave her
their strength, just as she had given them hers. One day they came to a
hill, and beyond the hill, they could see a shining road and golden
gates flung wide. And mother said: "I have reached the end of my
journey. And now I know the end is better than the beginning, for my
children can walk with dignity and pride, with their heads held high,
and so can their children after them. And the children said, "You will
always walk with us, Mother, even when you have gone through the gates."
And they stood and watched her as she went on alone, and the gates
closed after her. And they said: "We cannot see her, but she is with us
A Mother like ours is more than a memory. She is a living presence."
Your Mother is always with you. She's the whisper of the leaves as you
walk down the street, she's the smell of certain foods you remember,
flowers you pick and perfume that she wore, she's the cool hand on your
brow when you're not feeling well, she's your breath in the air on a
cold winter's day. She is the sound of the rain that lulls you to sleep,
the colors of a rainbow, she is Christmas morning. Your Mother lives
inside your laughter. And she's crystallized in every tear drop. A
mother shows every emotion ,happiness, sadness, fear, jealousy, love,
hate, anger, helplessness, excitement, joy, sorrow... and all the while,
hoping and praying you will only know the good feelings in life.
She's the place you came from, your first home, and she's the map you
follow with every step you take. She's your first love, your first
friend, even your first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you.
Not time, not space...not even death!
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Shop Talk
As I've mentioned, Miles is learning all about the car and how things work. Everytime we go somewhere, he confirms his knowledge and asks new questions, (i.e. How do you make the green arrows? How do you stop? How do you go? What's that button do?, etc). I was explaining the stopping again and told him about the brake peddle. He didn't like that it was called "brake" because then he went on about it not being broken. However, the next day, he seemed to accept it and called the gas peddle a "fix it peddle"! Lol! He cracks me up!
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Rock and Roll
Hailey rolled over today! She's been so close for a while now and we were playing on the floor and she was getting all the way over to her tummy, except her shoulder was still stuck under her. I got up to go put Miles down for a nap and as soon as I got in the hallway, Ahmad announced that she rolled over! However, he didn't see it either, she was just over! But, she did it again 2 more times and we were able to catch it on video. At the end, Miles says "Baby Hailey, you are almost big!". :)
Silly Socks
Miles loves helping to get Hailey ready in the mornings from helping to change her diaper to picking out her outfit. I like to task him with picking out her socks. Sometimes he does great and you can tell he's really trying to match her outfit. Othertimes, not so much. These are his favorite socks to pick out for her! She was watching those snowmen and trying to grab them all day!

There's this commercial on TV these days, with several different variations, for I think Right Guard body wash or something. It's got this big muscle man in the shower and he talks about not smelling or something. Ahmad finds these commercials hilarious. In one of the variations, he's flexing his pecks. Miles was watching and asked, "What are his nipples doing?". It was all we could do not to burst out laughing!
Yesterday, Miles' school had Muffins with Mommy in honor of Mother's Day. I was able to attend and it was pretty nice. The kids had all prepared to sing two songs for the mommys. Miles didn't want to join his friends in singing though...
There's this commercial on TV these days, with several different variations, for I think Right Guard body wash or something. It's got this big muscle man in the shower and he talks about not smelling or something. Ahmad finds these commercials hilarious. In one of the variations, he's flexing his pecks. Miles was watching and asked, "What are his nipples doing?". It was all we could do not to burst out laughing!
Yesterday, Miles' school had Muffins with Mommy in honor of Mother's Day. I was able to attend and it was pretty nice. The kids had all prepared to sing two songs for the mommys. Miles didn't want to join his friends in singing though...
Friday, May 7, 2010
Little Curl
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Yes School or No School?
Miles is so into driving these days. He just can't wait until he's big enough to drive my car! Almost everyday on the way to school he says something about it and talks about where everyone will sit when he gets to sit in my seat. He also recently realized that something is happening to make the car stop and go that he can't see me doing. So he asked how do we stop? So I told him about the brake peddle. Then a few days later, he asked how we went. So I told him about the gas peddle. He now confirms this knowledge almost daily while we are in the car. Then today on the way to school, he asked me how we stop when we're at school. I realized he meant when we get out of the car and explained the park position on the gear shift. He was so excited to get to school and see what I meant and laughed out loud when I showed him shifting into park. He's such a curious sponge!
It's also funny now that he's going to school again full time. Every morning when he wakes up, he asks me "Yes school or no school?". He seems to be fine with either answer, although towards the end of his first full week, he was saying he wanted to stay home. He's doing really well in the mornings at school now. Sometimes, even when he was full time before, he'd cling to us in the morning in the classroom and not want to let us go. The past few days, he's walked into his classroom himself without me carrying him and hasn't put up much, if any, fuss. Such a big boy!
He's also really into "owies" these days. He's had a few scrapes and scratches now and tells me all about them. He can barely move the limb the owie is on because it might hurt it. He's so dramatic!
It's also funny now that he's going to school again full time. Every morning when he wakes up, he asks me "Yes school or no school?". He seems to be fine with either answer, although towards the end of his first full week, he was saying he wanted to stay home. He's doing really well in the mornings at school now. Sometimes, even when he was full time before, he'd cling to us in the morning in the classroom and not want to let us go. The past few days, he's walked into his classroom himself without me carrying him and hasn't put up much, if any, fuss. Such a big boy!
He's also really into "owies" these days. He's had a few scrapes and scratches now and tells me all about them. He can barely move the limb the owie is on because it might hurt it. He's so dramatic!
Monday, May 3, 2010
Miles wanted to pose too!
I ended up surviving my first week back at work and so did the kids. It actually seemed to get harder as the week went on though-I saw the kids less because I was working everyday and I kept discovering new things that weren't quite right at work and I got more and more tired. However, we made it and are on to week number 2.
The rains held out Saturday long enough for us to attend a hospital festival. It was on the north-side just fund-raising and showing off new surgery equipment. They had a lot of fun things and I think Miles was the perfect age for it. They had old fire trucks, ambulance, bounce house, animals, construction equipment, etc and he had a blast playing on everything. He got a plastic fireman's helmet and kept saying he was a fire truck man. It was funny! He was so intrigued by the bounce house. He'd been on one once last fall, but it took him a while to get in it. On Saturday, he kept saying he wanted to go in it, but once we got in line, took off his shoes and it was his turn, he'd change his mind. He kept saying there were too many big kids. It was cute.

Daddy rode with Miles so he wouldn't be scared
(below: Miles wanted to use my camera to take my and Hailey's picture!)
Miles and I played hide and seek one evening and he got it this time and had a blast!
I have my 'pet' names for Miles and Hailey-Miles is SweetPea (and Miles Smiles, Smiley, Miler, Punky, Chipmunk, etc!) and Hailey's is Love (or Lovey, Loveys, Sweet Love, Love Bug, etc!). It's so cute because Miles calls Hailey Lovey now too. He'll say "Hi Lovey! Don't cry little girl, don't cry!" He's such a great big brother and she just grins away at him. I can't wait to see how they interact once she's mobile!
Miles and I have a new 'game' to play at bedtime now. We just started it last night...not sure how it evolved, but it did. I was asking him what we had done that day (not much-just went to the store and hung out at home) and he was saying he didn't know. So I made up some silly story about what we did and he just thought it was hilarious! He kept asking me again and again to tell him a 'favorite' (not sure how he came up with that name, but that's what he's calling it). I kept making up silly things that I state we did or wore and he continued to crack up. He was talking about this morning and again when I picked him up from school and couldn't wait to 'play' before bed. So much fun to have these special times with him.
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