Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Sharing Bubba

Hailey at 3 weeks old

We are really settling in with Hailey now. I can't believe she's already a month old! On one hand, it feels like she's been a part of our family forever, but on the other hand, time is flying by so fast! She's really growing a lot and starting to fill out now. She's smiling more and more and coo-ing and ahh-ing. It's so much fun to see her grow. She outgrew her first outfit this week and I think a drawful of onesies are next! When I was pregnant, I wondered how it would feel to see a second child meet their milestones and grow, change and develop. I wondered if it would have any lost appeal or excitement because we had already been through it all with Miles. It hasn't! It's just as special and exciting to see Hailey do new things as it was to see Miles do them. And it's so wonderful to Miles grow and change and be a big brother. He has a whole new role in the family now and he's doing a wonderful job at it. He truly loves Hailey and spending time with her.

Hailey's 1 month photo

Miles couldn't resist a photo opt with Hailey

Last week, dad was finally strong and well enough to leave the hospital, so we decided to make a trip to New Albany so he could meet Hailey for the first time. It was a great visit and we really enjoyed spending time with Grampie, Nana, and Uncle Michael. Ahmad stayed behind to work since he just started a new job and had lots of learning to do. We also managed to see Nikki and the Keltner family while we were there. It was a good visit, but we were happy to get home to daddy too!
Last week was our first full week of Miles going to daycare part time, but since we were in New Albany for part of the week, it really went fast. He's at daycare today and tomorrow, but this week has gone really well with him home more. I love being a "stay at home mom"! It does present it's own challenges and I do wish I had so much to spend with both of the kids individually, but all in all, it's going well. Monday we went to the library, a place we've only taken Miles to like twice. He loved it! There was a child friendly computer that he enjoyed playing on while I picked out some books for him. He even got his own library card! I remember (with the help of my mom's memory) getting my first library card. I was pretty young as well and absolutely loved the librarian. I wanted so badly to get my own library card, but you had to be able to print your name to get a card. I worked so hard to learn to do this! Miles is already talking about going back and getting new books. I'm not sure why we never did this before! I'd often thought about it, but never really got around to it. One of the perks of being home more I guess.
We also had a wonderful visit from our old neighbors. They brought us Chinese and gifts for Hailey and Miles and we had a nice play date night!

Miles continues to process our new family. The other day, he started talking about how he and Hailey share a mommy. Then he said that they also share a daddy. Then he said that they could share Bubba too! Bubba is my wonderful friend out in Iowa whom he's met on several occasions. It's so funny to me that he talks about her. She's made quite an impression on him because he talks about her randomly fairly often.

I couldn't resist some photo opts of the two!

Another funny thing that Miles does now is whenever Hailey spits up or I say she's going to spit up, he takes off! If you've read my previous post about her spitting up on him, you understand what I mean. He remembers that and makes sure it doesn't happen again! It's pretty funny to see him just jet at the first sign!

We had a great weekend and spent most of the day Saturday with our good friends the Kleins. It was their daughter Lauren's first birthday party and we really enjoyed their party! Miles loves playing with Jeff, Lauren's dad. He always rough houses with him and loves to tackle him. He got going during the party and Lauren was absolutely cracking up at him! It was too funny to hear her laughs at Miles. Happy Birthday Lauren!

Yesterday, I could tell Miles was getting a bit stir crazy and needed to work off some energy. It was a nicer day than we'd been having, but still too cold to have Hailey out playing. So, we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch and play time on their slide and play equipment. Miles was pretty shy at first and didn't want to go on it, although that's all he talked about during lunch and couldn't get done eating fast enough to go play. Eventually, he warmed up and had fun playing with the other kids. While he was playing, I was chatting with another mom watching her kids. It was funny...I felt like such a mom! We chatted about the kids, work, daycare, potty training. It was interesting that it just struck me that I was a mom and could carry on those conversations with complete strangers. Very fun.

Now Miles is at school today and Hailey is enjoying some peace and quiet and taking a nap in her swing. We are heading out in a bit to pick up our photos from JC Penny's and then to Hailey's 1 month check up. Should be another great day!

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