We've had a good, fairly calm week. I had Miles home with me part time this week and really enjoyed the extra time with him. He's so cute with Hailey for the most part. He loves tickling her cheeks and always says something like "you are so little", "Baby Hailey is so nice", "Hello little girl" and "you are so silly, you are so silly!" He talks about doing things because he is big and then tells her she has to wait until she is bigger to do them too because she is so little. He also tells her that he loves her and that he missed her. When he gets home from school, he can't wait to see her, give her hugs and kisses, and hold her. It's really cute!
We went to church, Hailey's first time, on Sunday and actually had to leave early because the kids behind us wouldn't leave her alone. The church was packed and I had no where to move to. They kept touching and her or her carrier and it was really bothering me. She even ended up with a shoe landing on her face! From now on, I'll remember to look who we are sitting by!
We're loving Ahmad's new job and his nice new schedule. He sets his own schedule and has been able to spend a lot of extra time at home, but still is getting his work done. That's awesome! Friday he was home in the morning before his appointment, so I left Hailey home with him and took Miles to run a few errands. It was nice to just have time alone with him. However, Ahmad then had to work in the morning on Saturday. Miles had said he wanted to go to the library again and get new books, but when it came time to go, he decided he wanted to stay home and play instead. It was a very pleasant morning and we played several different things. He got out his blocks that can make bugs and we made a few bugs and then played pretend with them for some time. It was very interesting to see Miles learn to play pretend and see his ideas develop. I tried a few new games with him, but they didn't exactly play out. We tried hide and seek and he got it, kind of. He didn't hide well, which I knew to expect, but then he was telling me where to hide. It was a good try at the game, but he wasn't interested in it for too long. I also tried to do a scavenger hunt with him, telling him different things in the house to go and find. Well, he would tell me where the things were, but he didn't want to go get them. That didn't last too long either. Then I got out his glue stick and scissors, which is always a big hit. I wanted to try to do a collage with him, but he was really more interested in just cutting paper. I cut out some things for him to glue down, which he did, but overall, I would say he's not quite ready for collages!
Saturday was beautiful and when Ahmad got home from work, he took Miles outside for a bit. I was getting a little cabin fever and we decided to go out to dinner. It was Hailey's first dinner out and she slept right through it! Miles did fairly well, but didn't really nap earlier in the day, so he was getting to the end of his rope by the end of the meal. Sunday morning, we had a nice visit from the Azar family, who was in town visiting friends. It was nice to see them and introduce them to Hailey. They brought down the Bumbo seat that we had lent them and I tried it out on Hailey yesterday. She was actually able to sit in it! She sat for about 5 minutes before getting fussy, which I thought was pretty good. I'm surprised she's able to do it already!
Miles has been acting out a bit now towards Hailey. He walked by her while she was in her swing the other day and bopped her with a toy bowling pin. It didn't hurt her, but that was the first time I'd seen him do anything other than love on her. Of course he got a time out for that! Then he also reached out too aggressively towards her the following day. Again, another time out and a stern talking too. Nothing but niceness since then, but I've got my eye on him!
Hailey has been doing well. She's smiling more and seems to be cracking herself up at various things. She's not laughing out loud yet, but you can tell her little head is filled with giggles! She's awake more and more, but it seems that if she's up a lot one day, she sleeps the next! She's also been spitting up a lot here and there and having some gas issues. She also seems to be choking sometimes. She did that several times in the hospital and in the first few days at home, but hasn't really since then. We'll have to keep an eye on that and see how it goes. I picked up some gas drops today to see if that helps at all. Hopefully it will and it won't be a huge issue.
The other night, after our nightly rituals, Miles called out for us again. Ahmad went back to see what he needed and came out to get me, saying Miles was asking for me. I went in and he wanted to bug bug with me again. I agreed to one more moon and then it was time to sleep. We were laying there snuggling when all the sudden, Miles wrapped his arms around me and said "keep me safe". I wasn't sure at all where that came from or that he would really even know that concept and my heart skipped a beat. I held him back and replied that of course I would keep him safe. We held onto each other for a minute before he told me he heard a noise and asked what it was. I hadn't heard it and he moved on to a new topic of conversation. That moment keeps tugging at my heart....of course I always want to keep my children safe. I only hope that I can.
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