At night before bed, Miles wants to "bug-bug" with me. I used to say that we were going to "snuggle bug" and Miles turned it into "bug-bugs". So, we read 3 books and then snuggle and talk for a little bit before bed. Tonight, we read ABCs and he corrected all my mistakes on the letter sounds, then did a counting book and lastly I love you Through and Through.
Lately, he likes for me to pretend that I'm sad and says "mommy! sad!" and then proceeds to try to comfort me by hugging or kissing my cheek and saying "that's ok, come here". Then I proclaim that I'm "happy!" and it's his turn to be sad and I comfort him. He loves this little game and I think it's adorable! Tonight I introduced being mad and pouted my lips and put my hand on my hip and he imitated me stating "I'm mad too!". Then we'd proclaim we were "happy!" and laugh before doing it again. It was very funny! Before long though, it was time to go to sleep, but not before he had a chance to "bug-bug" with daddy. I love our bug-bugs.
Love you Miles!
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