I realized that I forgot to mention in my last post how Miles thought he was a lion/clown and kept acting like a 'scary clown'. It was so funny! He kept growling at everyone!
And Daddy caught him making up a dance to one of the songs in his book the other day...
Tonight before bed, Miles was "playing" with baby in my belly and decided it was time for him/her to go to sleep. With my belly exposed, he covered it up with his blankets and patted my belly saying 'night night baby, I love you'. Too adorable.
Just a snapshot into our lives as a young growing family wanting to capture and preserve life's precious moments.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Jammie Jams, Zoo Boo and Baby
Over the weekend, Miles and Mommy had fun doing a duet of our Jammie Jam Time song, which is second only to Pee Pee on the Potty and Take a Bath. He loves these songs and gets him going, usually.
We also went to the Zoo Boo o
n Sunday with our neighbors, Eric, Katie, Evelyn, and Robyn. We had a great time and it was jam packed since it was such a nice
evening. The kids loved the candy
they got from
trick or treating and had it all eaten before we even left. Miles had a great time and did quite well with his clown outfit. However, I didn't know what a challenge it would be to put makeup on a 2 year old. He didn't do too bad with it, but was finished before I wa
s. At least it was good practice for Halloween! Miles also was quite impressed with the dressed up dogs they had and gave them a high five and a hug. On the way back around, he insisted he get his picture taken with one of them and proceeded to do a little dance-should've taken a video!

Miles has been adorable the last few days with my belly. He's suddenly realized the baby is in there and he pulls up my shirt to talk to the baby and see it. He tries looking in my belly button for the baby and then sticks his finger in it. He pats my belly and says what a nice baby it is and how little it is. He give it kisses and snuggles too. Tonight before bed, he was cuddling with the baby and sang it the ABCs. He'll be such a good big brother!
We also went to the Zoo Boo o
they got from
trick or treating and had it all eaten before we even left. Miles had a great time and did quite well with his clown outfit. However, I didn't know what a challenge it would be to put makeup on a 2 year old. He didn't do too bad with it, but was finished before I wa
Miles has been adorable the last few days with my belly. He's suddenly realized the baby is in there and he pulls up my shirt to talk to the baby and see it. He tries looking in my belly button for the baby and then sticks his finger in it. He pats my belly and says what a nice baby it is and how little it is. He give it kisses and snuggles too. Tonight before bed, he was cuddling with the baby and sang it the ABCs. He'll be such a good big brother!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Pluggin Along
This has been a pretty good, but busy week! Miles did ok this week at school, but it didn't start out good on Monday. When I went to pick him up, I was informed by the staff at the front desk that Miles had kicked a girl and busted her lip. I was horrified! I've never seen Miles do anything like this before. She proceeded to tell me about the time out that he didn't seem to care about and how upset this girl's parents were (of course!). I was so ashamed. I took him home and talked to him about what happened and put him in timeout. I ended up crying some when I was talking to him (partly because I was upset and frustrated and partly due to hormones!). That really seemed to affect Miles; he didn't like that at all. We didn't let him go play outside even though it was beautiful and he went to bed early-something we decided to continue as he didn't even seem to notice, so he must need the extra sleep! Tuesday was a good day and he got stickers. I talked to his teacher about implementing a reward sticker system at school too and she said she'd do it. Ahmad picked Miles up from school and found out that while Miles did kick a girl in her lip, it was during a tantrum he was having and more or less, her face got in the way of his kicks. This would have been real helpful information to know yesterday! I know he doesn't need to be throwing tantrums and kicking and such, but I would handle this differently than just being mean. Wednesday was another good day! Thursday he had a time out for hitting. Ahmad picked him up again and on the way home, Miles fell asleep-something he never does! After being put in timeout, Ahmad left the room and came back to find Miles sleeping on the floor. He must not have napped. No info on that either. Upon talking to Miles later that night about what happened at school, he told me another child had "booped" him (his term for hitting or bumping) and also bit him. Again, would have been good information to know! Instead of just "no hitting", we could address what to do when someone hits your or bites you. Friday there was a note that he threw a book and it hit a teacher-another time out. Ug. He knew he was going to get a timeout and all the way home kept saying, 'no mommy, no timeout'. I told him yes and halfway home, he got real quiet and then said 'mommy sad when I hit'. Yes I am! And he went through everything 'mommy sad when I throw books, mommy sad when I kick, mommy sad when I hit'. I said, yes, it does make me sad because you are a such a nice boy and those are not nice things to do. He said, 'I go in timeout'. When we got home, he went inside by himself, took off his coat and shoes and sat himself in timeout. I couldn't believe it! I'm frustrated with this phase and ready for it to be over! But I'm also a bit disappointed with the daycare that we've been so happy with. Instead of being met with what he does wrong and making me feel like a bad parent, I'd appreciate knowing the whole story and some support. I'm sure he's not the first 2 year old to have done these things. I did talk with his teacher Friday morning and let her know about wanting to know more about what happens and gave her those two explanations. She agreed, so hopefully that will change.
We went out with our friends Amber and Jeff and their baby, Lauren last night for dinner. It'd been way too long since we hung out and it was great to catch up finally. Miles had fun at the end of dinner showing Lauren how he could act like a lion and ghost. It was too cute! Lauren didn't much appreciate Miles' 'roaring', but instead wanted to play with his hair! Miles also got tired of his mommy and daddy holding her and insisted on sitting on our laps.
Miles is also doing a bit better with toilet training. He's done well all along, but is now finally starting to tell us more when he has to go rather than waiting to be asked. He's had some accidents (3 in one day this week!), but overall he usually doesn't have any.
This morning, even though it is Saturday, I had to work. Of course he woke at 5:30am. Ahmad went to get him back to sleep, which worked for about 45 minutes. Then he wanted Mommy. So I snuggled with him for a bit and he was too precious. He just kept kissing my cheeks and playing with my hair and snuggling. I just can't imagine my sweet baby boy hitting at times like these! Despite being tired, it was a nice way to start my day! :)
We went out with our friends Amber and Jeff and their baby, Lauren last night for dinner. It'd been way too long since we hung out and it was great to catch up finally. Miles had fun at the end of dinner showing Lauren how he could act like a lion and ghost. It was too cute! Lauren didn't much appreciate Miles' 'roaring', but instead wanted to play with his hair! Miles also got tired of his mommy and daddy holding her and insisted on sitting on our laps.
Miles is also doing a bit better with toilet training. He's done well all along, but is now finally starting to tell us more when he has to go rather than waiting to be asked. He's had some accidents (3 in one day this week!), but overall he usually doesn't have any.
This morning, even though it is Saturday, I had to work. Of course he woke at 5:30am. Ahmad went to get him back to sleep, which worked for about 45 minutes. Then he wanted Mommy. So I snuggled with him for a bit and he was too precious. He just kept kissing my cheeks and playing with my hair and snuggling. I just can't imagine my sweet baby boy hitting at times like these! Despite being tired, it was a nice way to start my day! :)
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Family Fun Times
Miles had a few rough days still at daycare last week. :( We thought the hitting was over, but he had a few time outs this past week. We are hoping this phase is going to end soon. We are thinking of seeing if the teacher will also implement a reward system at school instead of just punishments.

In between the rough times, Miles is still Miles and we had a fun game night the other night. Miles played Twister for the first time and had a good time! He doesn't quite get it all yet, but did well anyway.
We also had a Dance Fever night last night, which we haven't done in a while. Miles just couldn't get enough music and Daddy had to join in as a background dancer!

We went to Daddy's work today for their Pumpkin Festival and had a great time! There was good food, pony rides, a pumpkin patch, and live music. Miles got into the music and did pet the donkey, but wouldn't ride the pony or pick out a pumpkin. The festival was right in the middle of his nap time, so overall, he did quite well. We even managed to stay fairly warm! There was a costume contest too, and Miles was all set to wear his new clown costume, but when we went to put it on, it was entirely too small! It said 2T, but it looked like it was for no more than a 1 year old! So, we need to take it back and hopefully find another size.
We continue to be very blessed and are so very thankful for our wonderful friends and family.
In between the rough times, Miles is still Miles and we had a fun game night the other night. Miles played Twister for the first time and had a good time! He doesn't quite get it all yet, but did well anyway.
We also had a Dance Fever night last night, which we haven't done in a while. Miles just couldn't get enough music and Daddy had to join in as a background dancer!
We went to Daddy's work today for their Pumpkin Festival and had a great time! There was good food, pony rides, a pumpkin patch, and live music. Miles got into the music and did pet the donkey, but wouldn't ride the pony or pick out a pumpkin. The festival was right in the middle of his nap time, so overall, he did quite well. We even managed to stay fairly warm! There was a costume contest too, and Miles was all set to wear his new clown costume, but when we went to put it on, it was entirely too small! It said 2T, but it looked like it was for no more than a 1 year old! So, we need to take it back and hopefully find another size.
We continue to be very blessed and are so very thankful for our wonderful friends and family.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Funny Friday Morning
Miles had to stay home with daddy yesterday because he was sick! :( He woke up in the middle of the night Wednesday night not doing so well. Luckily, it didn't last too long and after sleeping for several hours on Thursday, he was doing much better. I haven't gotten a call from daycare yet today, so I'm thinking all is ok! He was very funny this morning though. We had to get up extra early because I was working a conference yesterday and today. We had to actually leave the house before we would normally even be getting up! I wasn't sure how Miles would like this, but thankfully, he did very well. After putting on his shoes though, he decided he wanted to take his two new favorite stuffed animals, a cat and a moose, with him. After confirming that he wouldn't take the animals in to daycare, but rather he would leave them in the car, he kept adding to this mix. He walked out the door this morning carrying the cat, moose, blanket (that was actually meant to go to into daycare), two pumpkin trick-or-treating "buckets", two fish toys that go in the bathtub, and a nickle. I was suprised he could even walk! He just kept saying how he would leave them in the car or they would get broken (we've had this talk a time or two) and I would go to work and after school, they would be waiting for him in the car. I wish I was awake enough to have gotten a photo!
The other week during a ND game day, Ahmad and Miles decided to wear matching hats....
And sometimes Miles decides to get his own snack out....
And even cheer for a different team....
So much fun...
The other week during a ND game day, Ahmad and Miles decided to wear matching hats....
And sometimes Miles decides to get his own snack out....
And even cheer for a different team....
So much fun...
Monday, October 12, 2009
At night before bed, Miles wants to "bug-bug" with me. I used to say that we were going to "snuggle bug" and Miles turned it into "bug-bugs". So, we read 3 books and then snuggle and talk for a little bit before bed. Tonight, we read ABCs and he corrected all my mistakes on the letter sounds, then did a counting book and lastly I love you Through and Through.
Lately, he likes for me to pretend that I'm sad and says "mommy! sad!" and then proceeds to try to comfort me by hugging or kissing my cheek and saying "that's ok, come here". Then I proclaim that I'm "happy!" and it's his turn to be sad and I comfort him. He loves this little game and I think it's adorable! Tonight I introduced being mad and pouted my lips and put my hand on my hip and he imitated me stating "I'm mad too!". Then we'd proclaim we were "happy!" and laugh before doing it again. It was very funny! Before long though, it was time to go to sleep, but not before he had a chance to "bug-bug" with daddy. I love our bug-bugs.
Love you Miles!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
One Little Monkey
So after getting Miles' big brother room all set up the other weekend, we had to have a talk about jumping on the bed....
Pumpkin Patch
Yesterday we rung in fall with a trip to the pumpkin patch. It was finally a nice day after raining for the past 3 days, so we found a fun muddy mess at the patch! We had a good time enjoying the food and activities Waterman's had. Miles and Daddy had a blast going down the gigantic slide! We enjoyed the small animals and a fun trip on the hayride to pick our pumpkins.
There were so many p
Friday, October 9, 2009
Getting Started
I'm new at this blogging thing, so bear with me! I decided I wanted to start a blog to document all the fun times we're having as a young growing family. Miles is up to so much these days and is constantly cracking me up! I want to be able to come back and read about these adventures he's taking and remember all the new things my baby is learning and doing. I want to say I'll always remember what he does and says, but the truth is, after almost 3 years, I'm still sleep deprived and my memory isn't always so good! Plus, with another on the way, I don't see that improving anytime soon. So, I decided to write down all the funny stories, good times, trials, and tribulations we go through. Let me first catch up on some funny stories I've been wanting to remember.
Miles cracks me up when he always says "who dat mommy?" for everything instead of "what's that?
Miles sometimes doesn't want lotion on after his bath. Sometimes I can convince him for one reason or another to put it on (you have a boo boo that needs lotion; we need to put lotion on the bug bites you have). Sometimes though, he's not buying it and will take the lotion bottle and tell me "no lotion mommy" and try to hide it. He'll hide it in a bin on a shelf or in his diaper hanger or his laundry basket. The other night (and this is the second time he's done this one) he took the bottle and put it in the hallway and then closed the door to his room! It cracked me up. I couldn't blame him on that one and gave in, not putting any lotion on.
Hmmm, there were many more, but now that I'm writing, I'm not sure what they were! I'm sure they will come to me and there will be more though. Miles was having a rough few weeks the past two weeks. It started with some hitting again, but this time at school and then it spilled over to home. It came out of no where! So we started doing timeouts when he got home from school if he had one at school that day. He didn't like that one bit. And then we started stickers if he didn't have a time out that day. This all seemed to work and the hitting has subsided and he hasn't had a time out all week. We are so glad! Last week, on top of the hitting, he began having accidents everyday, sometimes more than one a day. He was previously having maybe 2 accidents a week and now it was daily. And they were poopy accidents! He'd had one poopy accident the whole time he's been potty training, and then he had like 4 in one week! Not sure what was going on in his little head, but that also has seemed to pass and he hasn't had an accident in over a week.
Last weekend we took Miles to his first movie. I think it was more because Daddy wanted to go, but you enjoyed it too! Toy Story 1 & 2 were playing a double feature for a limited time only. You've been watching those 2 movies at home anyway for the past month or so and we were so excited when we found out they were going to be in theaters. We weren't re
Baby #2 is doing quite well too! We are debating again about girls' names. We were set, but for some reason, the name we had chosen isn't feeling right to me now. We may still keep it, but we are exploring other options too. We are so excited for you! I can't believe how close it's getting now and it still feels like we have so much to do. I plan to work on your room some more this weekend and hope to have it mainly prepped to paint. We think we're going to keep the carpet in there for now and maybe replace down the line. We'll just get it cleaned for now.
Ok, well, this is a longer first post than I thought! I guess I had some things on my mind. That's all for now.
I love you!
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