So, Miles started kindergarten yesterday!
He was so sure that kindergarten would be just so BORING and you would do is work all day long. Luckily, the school held a kindercamp 2 weeks ago. It was for 3 hours a day each day and only for kindergarteners. This allowed the kids to get used to the school, teachers, lunch room, etc. This was awesome! He was very scared and nervous to go the first day, but held his own and did awesome. So, while he said he was scared yesterday, he didn't act like it at all. Over the weekend, he got a hair cut and we organized all his school supplies, filling his pencil cases with freshly sharpened pencils, writing his name on his folders, notebooks, scissors and backpack and then fitting everything into his bags. He was ready!
Sunday night, he picked out his outfit consisting of a yellow polo and khaki shorts. (His uniform consists of blue, white and yellow.) After he picked his outfit, he asked if I didn't think others would think he was a girl! I told him no...the next morning he had the same concern, but proceeded on with the chosen outfit. He didn't mention anyone thinking he was a girl last night! :)
He was still sure kindergarten would be boring and he was just going to write all day, not having any fun. I tasked him with giving me 3 things that were fun from his day when I got home from work.
When I came in the door after work, he was full of jabber and exclaimed, not 3, but 4 things he had done that were fun-coloring, going outside, eating chicken nuggets for lunch and having cake for snack. He claimed they didn't do any work. I'm so proud of Miles! I just know that he's going to do awesome in school. Everyone asked me if I cried, and I have to admit that I didn't. However, I did after the open house last week. Yesterday, I was just so excited for him and proud of him! He's my big kid now!
Hailey also started her new day care, AKA big girl school, yesterday. She went a half day last Friday as a test run, but this was her first official day. She did very well! She was excited to go and let me put her down without crying in the morning.
The room was full of little girls and looked like a good time. It's a little unnerving to think of her there all by herself without her big brother to watch over her, but I think she will do well! I'm proud of her venturing on her own!
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