Ahmad is on a new career path. He's at his first session right now for Phlebotomy. Yup, sticking people with needles and labs and such. It's a 4 Saturday course and then he'll have his certificate. And then hopefully he'll find a steady job! He's eager to do this and thinks it will be a good fit for him, so I'm hopeful as well. While he was gone this morning, I took the kids to the Children's Museum to see Spiderman! He was making a special appearance and we got the free tickets earlier this week. Miles was so excited! After our visit, of course we tooled around and saw what we could see. Hailey wasn't having it really and only wanted me to hold her the whole time. I think she's not feeling too well. A trip to the doc might be in order. She's been up and down all week-teething (4 new teeth in the last few weeks, including molars!), a cold, fever one day fine the next. We've been keeping an eye on her, and we'll see over the weekend, but I'm fearful she has an ear infection. She's been napping now for about 2 hours, so I guess she was tired too! I've been working on weaning her and was just down to right before bed and then at night when she wakes up. I was going to stop the before bed earlier this week, but then she was sick and I just couldn't do it. I decided last night I was going to try. She wanted to nurse from the time she got home from school and I didn't know how it would go. But...she did very well! We read our books, I gave her some breastmilk in a sippy and she went to sleep. And she slept the best she had slept in a long time. She only woke up once! It was very bittersweet. I cried just a little last night. With Miles, he was done and I was ok with that. I was ready to move on. But I'm no so sure I'm ready as much with Hailey. With her I feel more like it's just time. And since she's doing well with it, it probably is. And I really think that once I stop, she'll start sleeping through the night, which will be good for both of us!
I took the kids to Costco last night after school and work to pick up a few things. I saw pickles and realized that we needed more of them-both kids love them! So, I grabbed them and went on. Later, I saw a different kind, little bitty pickles. I asked Miles which ones we should get. He thought the little ones because Hailey could eat them better. :) Later on he was whiney and kinda upset complaining that he wanted big pickles and white donuts. I'm not sure where the donuts came from, but that's ok. I told him we could either get the big pickles or the littles, but we weren't getting them both. He thought about it a minute and said "We'll just get the little ones for Hailey. She will like them." :)
My very very good friends, Bubba (aka Shannon) and Carol are coming into town today because they have tickets to the woman's final four here in town. We decided to kick Miles out of his room and let them have it since they were going to be in town for several days. I wasn't sure how Miles would react to that, but hoped he would think it would be fun to sleep in Hailey's room. When I finally told him, he thought for a minute and then said "Then I can keep Hailey safe. And if she cries, I can give her a toy or a book." :) He is such a sweetie pie and an awesome big brother!
And Miles is reading reading along! He's doing awesome. We've taken a bit of a break from the books he reads at night and I've just been reading to him. I'm fine with that, I don't want it to become a chore or upsetting for him to have to read (yet!). But they've been working on reading a lot at school and he's doing awesome. They make these little paper books and he's so eager to read them to me, Hailey, and daddy when he comes home. He even reads them to the administrators at school. He knows all 19 of his sight words they've been learning the last several weeks and gets 100% on his tests every Friday. His teacher told me he's probably one of the youngest in the class and he's one of the best readers. We are so proud of him!
I've got one more week of my maintenance program at Weight Watchers before I can become a Lifetime member. I'm excited and anxious. I hope I don't blow it this week! You know, this whole weight loss thing is interesting. I feel great and have lots of energy and all that. I know I've lost weight and look physically different. But, I'm still learning that. I still hear commercials on TV or the radio about a fad diet or magic pill or drink and I think to myself, "gosh, I should try that!". Then I remember that I don't need to loose weight! I mean, sure, I could. I could loose about 20 more pounds and be at the bottom range for my height according to WW. But I don't have to. For the first time in my life, I'm at a healthy weight and I don't need to loose any. It's very strange. And then different comments in different situations about my size or appearance, they take me by surprise! And shopping! I have been shopping a lot...:) Guiltily! And every time, even when I go to get dressed some mornings, I think, "there's no way this is going to fit me!". But it does. It's pretty neat!
Miles hasn't been watching quite as much TV lately, but still has a few shows he likes. Lately he's been into Tom and Jerry. It's fun to watch him watch the cartoons we were into as a kid! We've been playing outside at every chance we can get. It's been 70 degrees one day and snowing the next, so it's been very hit or miss. But we love it and can't wait for spring! Hailey especially loves it. She stands at the door and just looks outside and keeps pointing and asking me to go out. It's cute and sad! Lol! Hopefully now that it's April, spring will finally come and stay. We can't wait to spend our days outside exploring!
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