Last week, Miles' whole class moved to a new room with a new teacher (same assistant). His old teacher had left right around the time he started being really good after his birthday. This new room is actually a room he'd been in before and a teacher he'd had before. It was actually the room where most of the trouble started last summer. We were vary weary, but so far, he's doing ok. He had one day with a little trouble last week and didn't do well at nap time today, but overall, he seems to be ok. It's the same group of kids, so that's good. And he really likes his assistant. We are so proud of him and he's learning so so much! It's pretty funny, we were talking about how good he's been and he stated again that when he was 3, he was bad. He went on to list everything he'd done when he was 3, "Remember last day? When I was 3? I hit, I kick, I bite, I throw things, I say Shut Up, I say B****, I say Shut the F*** Up, etc. ?" It was actually pretty funny, but very unfortunate he remembers all those things still!
The Children's Museum with the Kleins
This weekend, he decided he wanted to make a special dessert and chose to make chocolate cake with white icing, sprinkles, chocolate chips and marshmallows. He calls it the Marshmallow Cake. :) He's been into playing like he's a kitty again lately, but likes to say he's a kitty in school and I'm the teacher. Ahmad is the big teacher up front. He often plays out getting hurt in the class and someone having to get in trouble and go up front to the big teacher. He's also been pretending to be a baby and when I ask him who he is, he says Baby Clark! I love this because we still haven't even met Clark yet. We want to so bad, but just haven't been able to get out to CT. We can't wait to see him soon!

Miles has always been a sensitive child, very snuggly and loving. He's begun to show more compassion and empathy lately too. He's very very good with his sister, such a great big brother! He looks out for her and tries to help her and wants to "keep her safe". He was even whispering in her ear yesterday how he was going to Keep her Safe. She just looked right back at him and smiled and laughed like she knew just what he was talking about and she loved him for it. It was quite precious. Then this morning, he was having pains in his booty, having to go to the bathroom. He went and started talking to me about them again. I told him that sometimes that happens and he replied, "I hope that doesn't happen to you or daddy or Hailey. That hurts and I don't want you to hurt". While it was comical we were talking about our booties hurting while going potty, it was very very sweet that he was considering others' feelings. Maybe 4 is the magic number...
Hailey is such a growing little girl! She's into so much these days, everyday something new. She will pick up the smallest thing from the ground, come find me, and give it to me. This morning, she found one of those plastic pieces that holds a tag onto clothes in the store. Thankfully, she's also good about spitting things out. She will put something her mouth, look at me because she knows she's not supposed to, walk over to me and spit it in my hand. Lol! She is also into throwing things away in the trash. She will get a tissue, pretend to blow her nose or wipe off her hands, and take off for the trash can. It's super cute. I remember Miles going through this stage too, and soon we had to begin watching the trash for things that weren't trash! So far, I don't think she's thrown anything but trash away, but we'll have to be on the lookout. She's such a helper at the store as well. The other day, she got quite upset while we were grocery shopping only to discover it was because she wanted to help! I would hand her something and she would put it in the cart. She's a great helper!
Tonight, we were changing Miles' sheets and Hailey CLIMBED UP ONTO MILES' BED ALL BY HERSELF! We couldn't believe it! We knew she was a mover and a groover, climbing on everything, but sheesh! That's a big climb! She loves his bed so much though. She loves to get up there and crawl around and lay on the pillows and blankets. She also loves to play with Miles up there. On Sunday, she woke up from her nap before Miles and we had to continually keep her from opening his door. Finally, it was time to wake him up. We were in the living room and I asked her "Hailey, do you want to go wake up Miles?" She looked at me with the biggest grin on her face, got down off me, and ran to his room. It was so cute! Her favorite game lately as well has been climbing on and over Miles' little chair. It's a soft armed chair, his size. She loves to climb up into it and "jump" off. She will also turn it over and climb over it. Her and Miles are always climbing and jumping (well, Hailey can't quite jump yet, but she sure is trying!).
Hailey is also learning some of the body parts. She loves to practice with my face and now we're working on other parts as well as her face. She will "woof woof" at doggies on TV or in books, even at Miles' stuffed dog. She will also make a fish noise (a loud pucker of the lips) and thinks its very funny. She learned to sign "help" yesterday and has been using it all the time. She's done quite well using it and when I remind her "say Help, say Help Mommy", she will sign Help and say Mama! :) So proud! She so cute-she makes this face where she puckers up her little lips and just walks around. She does this all the time and it makes me laugh!
Hailey is still nursing as well, although we are working on weaning. I'm no longer pumping at work since they aren't giving it to her at daycare anymore. We have some in the freezer still though and are giving it to her in sippy cups. She had dropped her morning nursing last week, but now this week, she's back at it. I need to really work on her weaning, but I'm a sucker. She doesn't seem quite ready yet, although very close. I thought she was extremely close the other week, but now she seems like she's back to doing really well and asking for it. She had even stopped signing Milk and signed Eat instead last week, but now she's signing Milk again. And honestly, it's easier not to wean! Soon, soon, we'll get there. My babies are growing up....
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