Hailey is hilarious when she nurses these days-such an acrobat! I tell you, she's nearly standing on her head sometimes. One day, while she was nursing, she was facing down, booty in the air, one leg raised and one arm raised. She cracks me up! I remember Miles doing those things as well when he was little, but it doesn't seem like she should be old enough to be doing this. Isn't she still my little baby?! Another thing she likes to do is grab my hand and make me hold onto her foot while she nurses. Or she takes my hand and holds it to her head and face and puts her hand over top of mine so it stays there. It's pretty cute.
Miles is into counting everything and Ahmad said he went to 100 the other day, but I haven't heard him go nearly that high. He insists that he's 4 and just as big as the kids in his class. He'll eat his veggies and then say, 'there, I ate my veggies, I'm 4 now!'. He also consolidates classrooms sometimes at school and ends up in the kindergarten class, so then he says that he's '5 now'. He can get pretty upset that he's not 4, but I keep explaining that after Santa comes, he'll have his birthday...January might be a long month! Along with his counting, he's trying the measure things. He'll count the length of something and just arbitrarily assign it numbers and lengths. So, when trying to determine how old he is for instance, he'll move his hand somewhat consistently up his body saying 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, until he's at his head and they say he's 7. His favorite number seems to be 20 because everything is 20. It's a big number to him and if he wants something, he'll say he wants 20 of them or he wants to do it 20 times.
Hailey is standing all the time now and so close to taking a step. She took a half a step the other day, but then went to her knees before moving her other foot. She'll stand and want to get somewhere and just kind of fall on her belly with her arms out instead of taking a step. I don't think it will be long! She loves to crawl over to me and pull up on my legs and bury her head between them. It's so stinkin' cute. She went to the doctor for her 9 month check up the other week and she's doing good! She's in the 20th percentiles for height and weight and in the 15th for head circumference. We weren't sure how Miles measure up to her, but I pulled out his stats and he was right there too! He was 25th percentile in weight, 20th in height, but 75th in head. Pretty close over all!
Hailey got another tooth, the right top and is very close to her left top. It should be in anytime. I thought she was really teething this last week as she's been fussy-for her anyways, but now I think she has an ear infection. I feel really bad that we missed that all week, but the doctor is first on the agenda tomorrow. She says "dada" all the time and seems to know that means Ahmad. But she calls everyone that too, so it's kind of hard to tell. She loves playing with doors and likes to open and close them and peek around to see who's on the other side.
Miles is a man after my own heart....he loves condiments! I love sauces and dips and relishes, and so does he. He's been into ketchup for a long time, which he puts on any meat (and also calls most meats 'chicken') much to Ahmad's dismay who only uses ketchup very sparingly. But now he's discovered steak sauce and loves it. He requests it to dip his carrots in and the other day, his pancakes. Then he wanted just steak sauce to slurp up plain. Steak sauce is good, but...!
It's been a busy few weeks, but very enjoyable. This weekend was nice-I didn't have anything to do! Ahmad took a grant writing class yesterday, so it was me and the kids and we went to a museum we've never been to-Eiteljorg. It's a Native American and Western museum and I saw some advertisements on their holiday train display. Since both kids were free, we went. It was fun and a nice museum, but definitely a bit old for the kids.
The Kleins came over for some pizza and to catch up a bit and today we're just hanging out. The kids have both power napped yesterday and today-Hailey slept for 3 hours yesterday afternoon and Miles for 4. Not they are both going on 4 hours today. We have some sleepy kids!
We're excited about Thanksgiving and are heading to South Bend where we not only will see the Keyes family, but my brother's family as well! So excited! Lots of fun plans coming up and we're starting to realize the holidays are upon us. I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. It goes fast with one kid, but gosh, with 2, it just flies. Trying to hang on to every moment.....
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