Hailey's second week with us has gone just as smoothly as her first! We're getting into a bit of routine and everything is going really well. Miles continues to enjoy her and hasn't really had any trouble adjusting thus far. I couldn't have asked for him to be adjusting any better than he is. I guess all the books we read and talks we had about the baby really paid off! Ahmad passed his insurance license test and started a new job selling supplemental Medicare insurance. He's really excited about this job and can't wait to get started! I hope this is the nitch he's been looking for! Hailey and I continue to hang out during the day and enjoy being with each other. She's such a sweetheart! We've been able to get out some and usually take and pick up Miles from school (he's so excited when she comes!) and have even run some errands together. She's a good shopping buddy! It seems when Miles was born, it was really hard to get back into reality and go to the store, pay bills, etc, but with Hailey, it seems very second nature and very necessary. I still remember my first shopping trip alone with Miles when he was little. We went to Walmart for a regular shopping trip and I was so nervous and felt like I was in such a rush! I was so concerned he'd wake up in the middle of the trip and cry or need nursed or something and I wasn't sure what I'd do. He slept the whole time and did great, but I remember that panicked feeling. Things with Hailey have gone much smoother and she did great on her first Walmart trip. We also went to the bank one day and to Kohls to get new outfits for our family photos. She did wake up at Kohls, but her timing was great-I was in the dressing room, so I just nursed her there and she went back to sleep!
Daddy does Hailey's hair
We had another great weekend with lots of visitors; Matt, Missy, Gavin, Emmett, Mom, and Michael all came to visit. We spent Saturday at our house just hanging out and playing. The boys had a blast playing together exploring all the toys and opening gifts that everyone had brought for them. We even had a little birthday celebration for Emmett since he'll be two soon! On Sunday we went to JC Penny's to have photos taken. We wanted to capture newborn photos, 3 year old photos, family photos, and cousin photos. It was a tall order, and it started out very rough, but in the end we did get some good shots. After the photos, we headed over to the Children's Museum and the boys had a blast exploring all the fun things to do. Hailey also had fun and slept through her first museum trip! She didn't wake once while we were there. It was sad to see Matt, Missy and the boys go. We don't get to see them often enough and always enjoy it so much when they visit. Hopefully we'll be seeing them again soon!Miles was insisting on holding Hailey and wanted her facing him. As soon as I turned her around, she spit up all over him!! It was hilarious-Miles even laughed after he figured out what happened!
Today we're just hanging out and I'm trying to get some things done while Hailey sleeps. However, I'm planning on a nice nap with her later on today! I think she's starting to really smile already-it's such a precious smile!!! Melts my heart! Next week I'm going to start keeping Miles home part time so that we can enjoy some extra time together while I'm off work. He's going to go to daycare just 2 days a week. I am looking forward to being able to do some fun things with him!
Last night, I took Miles to go potty and when I came back, this was the scene I found...!
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