Thursday, Hailey earned her First Smile sticker on her calendar! She's been smiling off and on, but we attributed it to reflexes. Then on Thursday, she smiled several times directly at me and also at Ahmad! It was such an adorable precious smile and I can't wait to see more of it! Hopefully I'll even catch it on film soon. She also is turning her head to follow me when I move around the room and is grasping onto me, my clothes and my hair. I love seeing her change and grow already! So amazing!
So today Ahmad had to work part of the day, which means I was home alone with both the kids for really the first time of any length of time. I've been home alone with them for an hour or so in the evening, but not much longer than that. I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive about how it would go. I figured it was a bit of a test run before Miles starts daycare part time and I'll have them both home most of the week. It went really well! I don't think Hailey got as much sleep as she would have liked, but everything else went great: we did play-do, ran from lions, played in Hailey's room, danced, ate lunch, and even got to our tax appointment on time! Yea us!
Miles has been playing a lot of video games lately, namely Mario Kart with Ahmad. Sometimes I play with him, but I usually try to get out of it. Well, I played with him this evening and let's just say that it's pretty sad when your 3 year old tells you to stay on the road!
Just a snapshot into our lives as a young growing family wanting to capture and preserve life's precious moments.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Settling In
Hailey's second week with us has gone just as smoothly as her first! We're getting into a bit of routine and everything is going really well. Miles continues to enjoy her and hasn't really had any trouble adjusting thus far. I couldn't have asked for him to be adjusting any better than he is. I guess all the books we read and talks we had about the baby really paid off! Ahmad passed his insurance license test and started a new job selling supplemental Medicare insurance. He's really excited about this job and can't wait to get started! I hope this is the nitch he's been looking for! Hailey and I continue to hang out during the day and enjoy being with each other. She's such a sweetheart! We've been able to get out some and usually take and pick up Miles from school (he's so excited when she comes!) and have even run some errands together. She's a good shopping buddy! It seems when Miles was born, it was really hard to get back into reality and go to the store, pay bills, etc, but with Hailey, it seems very second nature and very necessary. I still remember my first shopping trip alone with Miles when he was little. We went to Walmart for a regular shopping trip and I was so nervous and felt like I was in such a rush! I was so concerned he'd wake up in the middle of the trip and cry or need nursed or something and I wasn't sure what I'd do. He slept the whole time and did great, but I remember that panicked feeling. Things with Hailey have gone much smoother and she did great on her first Walmart trip. We also went to the bank one day and to Kohls to get new outfits for our family photos. She did wake up at Kohls, but her timing was great-I was in the dressing room, so I just nursed her there and she went back to sleep!
Daddy does Hailey's hair
We had another great weekend with lots of visitors; Matt, Missy, Gavin, Emmett, Mom, and Michael all came to visit. We spent Saturday at our house just hanging out and playing. The boys had a blast playing together exploring all the toys and opening gifts that everyone had brought for them. We even had a little birthday celebration for Emmett since he'll be two soon! On Sunday we went to JC Penny's to have photos taken. We wanted to capture newborn photos, 3 year old photos, family photos, and cousin photos. It was a tall order, and it started out very rough, but in the end we did get some good shots. After the photos, we headed over to the Children's Museum and the boys had a blast exploring all the fun things to do. Hailey also had fun and slept through her first museum trip! She didn't wake once while we were there. It was sad to see Matt, Missy and the boys go. We don't get to see them often enough and always enjoy it so much when they visit. Hopefully we'll be seeing them again soon!Miles was insisting on holding Hailey and wanted her facing him. As soon as I turned her around, she spit up all over him!! It was hilarious-Miles even laughed after he figured out what happened!
Today we're just hanging out and I'm trying to get some things done while Hailey sleeps. However, I'm planning on a nice nap with her later on today! I think she's starting to really smile already-it's such a precious smile!!! Melts my heart! Next week I'm going to start keeping Miles home part time so that we can enjoy some extra time together while I'm off work. He's going to go to daycare just 2 days a week. I am looking forward to being able to do some fun things with him!
Last night, I took Miles to go potty and when I came back, this was the scene I found...!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Our First Week as a Family of Four
Our first week at home with Hailey was great! Ahmad was very sweet the first day home with her. We were discussing dinner and he asked me what I missed most while I was pregnant. I told him deli meat and then on a side note, I also threw in raw cookie dough! All those batches of cookies we made while I was pregnant and I couldn't have any; I just watched Miles enjoy it. He went out to get food and came back with Subway and cookie dough from Papa Murphy's! It was great!
Hailey is such a great baby and sleeps well. At the hospital, she was up all night long and the first night at home, she was up a lot as well. The next night though, she was down to about 4 times up, then the next night was like 3, then she settled into just getting up once a night! She's going down about 11ish and is then up about 2:30am and then again about 5:30 or 6am. She's kept that schedule pretty well and hopefully will continue, although as soon as I am done writing this, she will probably change!
Miles just loves having Hailey home and out of my belly! He calls her "my baby Hailey". He truly loves her and showed her her room, toys, likes holding her, and playing with her. He insists on sitting with her and playing with her often. So far he's doing great with her and has only had to be corrected twice (as far as being gentle and such). He is very gentle and gives her kisses and invites her to play. He even got upset one morning because she was sleeping and he wanted to play with her before going to school. He loves having her bug bug with us before he goes to bed and insists that she join us for books and moon. She does well with him also and will usually let him hold her for a bit. One morning he didn't want to take a bath, but after a suggestion that Hailey could join him, he was all for it!

I've really enjoyed being home with Hailey for the first week. We've spent a lot of time just snuggling and getting to know each other. Ahmad was also home our first week and spent a lot of time studying for his insurance test so he can get a new job. Miles has kept his schedule of going to school daily and will continue for another week or two. Then I'm going to keep him home part time for the rest of my maternity leave. I think it will be nice to spend more time with him!
Uncle Jamal, Aunt Tiphanny, Max, Mill'ion, and Mckenzy came to visit this first week at home as well. It was great seeing them as it's been several months since we last visited. They welcomed Hailey and the kids all enjoyed playing together. It was really nice!

The Kleins also came to visit and spent the first half of the Super Bowl cheering for the Colts. It was great to hang out with them and see the girls getting along! Too bad the Colts lost...

Hailey is such a great baby and sleeps well. At the hospital, she was up all night long and the first night at home, she was up a lot as well. The next night though, she was down to about 4 times up, then the next night was like 3, then she settled into just getting up once a night! She's going down about 11ish and is then up about 2:30am and then again about 5:30 or 6am. She's kept that schedule pretty well and hopefully will continue, although as soon as I am done writing this, she will probably change!
Miles just loves having Hailey home and out of my belly! He calls her "my baby Hailey". He truly loves her and showed her her room, toys, likes holding her, and playing with her. He insists on sitting with her and playing with her often. So far he's doing great with her and has only had to be corrected twice (as far as being gentle and such). He is very gentle and gives her kisses and invites her to play. He even got upset one morning because she was sleeping and he wanted to play with her before going to school. He loves having her bug bug with us before he goes to bed and insists that she join us for books and moon. She does well with him also and will usually let him hold her for a bit. One morning he didn't want to take a bath, but after a suggestion that Hailey could join him, he was all for it!
I've really enjoyed being home with Hailey for the first week. We've spent a lot of time just snuggling and getting to know each other. Ahmad was also home our first week and spent a lot of time studying for his insurance test so he can get a new job. Miles has kept his schedule of going to school daily and will continue for another week or two. Then I'm going to keep him home part time for the rest of my maternity leave. I think it will be nice to spend more time with him!
Uncle Jamal, Aunt Tiphanny, Max, Mill'ion, and Mckenzy came to visit this first week at home as well. It was great seeing them as it's been several months since we last visited. They welcomed Hailey and the kids all enjoyed playing together. It was really nice!
The Kleins also came to visit and spent the first half of the Super Bowl cheering for the Colts. It was great to hang out with them and see the girls getting along! Too bad the Colts lost...
The nurse came out to visit me and Hailey as part of the program they offer. We both checked out well-I'm to keep an eye on my swelling and we need to continue to work on Hailey's latch, but otherwise, are doing well! Hailey was born at 8 pounds and weighed 7.9 on Monday before we left the hospital. At 6 days old, she weighed 8.8! Growing so fast already! She was also just a bit jaundice, but the nurse wasn't concerned. She said that jaundice usually peaks at 3-4 days and since we were well past that, it would be going away soon.
Hailey turns 1 week old!
Hailey turns 1 week old!
The first week has gone well as a family of four and there have been some adjustments, of course. Since Miles has adjusted so well thus far, the main thing that I have noticed that is going to be harder for me is just being there for both Miles and Hailey. It's hard emotionally to not be able to do something with Miles or address his needs right away as I've been able to do for the past 3 years because now Hailey needs my attention too. Miles has been pretty understanding so far and does well when she's crying and when I have to feed her and such, but for me, I feel bad that I can't respond as I always have. Hopefully this will get easier, but I also think this may be a continual struggle.
Miles seems so big now! Physically he seemed to gain about 10 pounds overnight; after carrying Hailey around, Miles seems so heavy! But also cognitively, he just seems older. He's becoming such a real little person with his own thoughts and ideas and is asserting his independence in new ways. It's amazing to me how much he seems to have grown up since bringing Hailey home. He's still my baby, but he sure is turning into a big boy!
Miles seems so big now! Physically he seemed to gain about 10 pounds overnight; after carrying Hailey around, Miles seems so heavy! But also cognitively, he just seems older. He's becoming such a real little person with his own thoughts and ideas and is asserting his independence in new ways. It's amazing to me how much he seems to have grown up since bringing Hailey home. He's still my baby, but he sure is turning into a big boy!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Meet Hailey Layne Keyes
So 8 days past her due date, Hailey Layne decided to arrive on January 31, 2010! She was a very welcomed addition to our family and we were so glad to be surprised that she was a "she"! After a great delivery (as great as they can go I think!), she nursed like a pro and was awake for several hours after delivery. She settled in well with mommy at the hospital and daddy and big brother came to visit every day until we left on Tuesday.
Full Moon Effects
Ok, so I'm still getting caught up on my decided to wait until Miles had his birthday and party before deciding arrive. That worked out quite well! After Miles' party, I told Jeff that we would see him later, hoping that the full moon would take affect and I would go into labor that night. I was right! I woke about 1:30am on January 31 to go to the bathroom and then woke again at 2:30am. After a second trip to the bathroom, I laid down and had a contraction that felt just a bit different and I thought, hmmm, could it be? I laid there for a minute or two and after about 5 minutes, had another. I thought this has to be it! I went to the bathroom again and got back in bed. After about 20 minutes and 4 more contractions, I nudged Ahmad and told him I wasn't sure...the contractions were regular, but they were a lot less intense than when they first started with Miles. That was a pleasant surprise! After a few more contractions, I got up and figured I'd get dressed. Ahmad asked if he should call Jeff and I said, no, not yet. Then I started packing my last minutes supplies for the hospital and Ahmad said that if I was packing, he was calling. I said ok. I decided I'd rather be busy and do things while I could because I remember with Miles, I just couldn't-the contractions paralyzed me from the start. It would be easy enough to unpack if I was wrong. I was dressed, packed, threw in some last additional last minute items, took off my jewelry, pulled my hair back, etc. At some point, we also decided we should call the doctor. When she called back, she said to go ahead and go to the hospital and we'd see what was going on, that was good because that was our plan too! Jeff arrived about 3:30am and we said hey, here are some notes for Miles, here's how to work the alarm system, we'll see you later! And we were off!
The contractions were still coming very regularly, but I was able to breath through them very well and was in pretty good spirits. Ahmad managed to drive at a legal speed and we arrived at Methodist Hospital about 15 minutes later. We headed up to triage and they had Ahmad wait in the waiting room while I got all checked in and such (he wasn't happy about this at all!). That's a silly rule I think and he didn't do that last time. However, they do ask a few times about domestic violence and such before they let your significant other back, so there must have been some incidents? In triage, the first thing they have you do is change into a gown in the bathroom by yourself. This is another thing that is so silly to me. When you are in labor and having contractions, it's very difficult to manipulate those gowns and figure out how to fasten them and tie them. I did much better with it this time since the contractions were still manageable, but I recall with Miles, I gave up and came out without it fastened at all! Anyway, they got me settled into a bed and put me on monitors and asked a ton of questions. Then they checked me and I was 4 cm. Finally, they let Ahmad back. When the nurse came in, she commented that she was having hot flashes. We chuckled and then she told Ahmad that he better just sit there and be quiet since she was going through menopause and I was in labor. He agreed! The contractions were coming on stronger and they said that once they got an IV started, they'd move me to a room and get me an epidural. Yea! With Miles, I had intended to try my hardest to go natural, but ended up having Nubian after about 4 hours of labor and then an epidural. I was glad I did with him because I ended up with a c-section and if I had labored for 15 hours with him naturally and then had to get an epidural for the c-section, I would have been upset! Since we had no idea if I could deliver vaginally or not (the doctor thinks I have a small pelvis), I was going to try to labor and see if I could do a VBAC, but we all thought I'd probably end up with a c-section. I decided I'd go straight for the drugs this time since I didn't think I'd be able to deliver vaginally. At any rate, it took 2 nurses and 3 sticks to get the IV in right and I was finally on my way to my room.
By the time I got up in my room, the contractions had definitely gotten strongly and I was looking forward to the epidural. My contractions were coming in waves; it seemed I was getting 3 or 4 right in a row and then a break, then another one and a break, and then back to 3 or 4 back to back. The nurse was being rather forceful with me about holding still and sitting up through the epidural and such, but I had to get through those back to back ones before I was ready to sit and prepare for the epidural. Finally I was in place and they were putting it in. I was very nervous about getting it, but just kept praying that all would go well. I immediately felt it on my right side, but not so much on my left. It took quite a while before the left side kicked in and I was afraid they were going to have to do it again. Thankfully, they didn't. Once they got it in, they let Ahmad back in and I was checked again. 8 cm already! I was going quick. They had the on call doctor come in and see me and went ahead and had me sign a few forms because they thought I might go quickly one way or the other before my doctor would have a chance to arrive. They thought I'd either end up in a c-section or delivering very soon.
My mom and in-laws were on their way and actually arrived about the same time. Mom had gotten stuck behind an accident about 1/2 hour away and sat there for 2 hours! Michael couldn't come because he had school work to get done that day and dad was in the hospital himself with a fractured pelvis. Sometime after they arrived, the on call doctor came back and broke my water to see what would happen. With Miles, I guess I had gotten "stuck" at 8 cm and my doctor wanted to speed things along some. I didn't have too much water in my sac though and the doctor also commented on my small pelvis, making us question again how this would end.
I think my doctor arrived about 8am or so, but I really can't remember. She checked me out and said that she was going to go walk to get in her 10,000 steps and she'd be back. ! At some point I was 9 1/2 cm and 100% effaced, but was still at station 0, which was an improvement over last time. Eventually, they said I was at station +1 and they would find my doctor, but that you usually don't push until you're at station +2. My doctor came in and said, well, let's try pushing! What?!?! It seemed so informal and like it came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting that! So, I tried a few pushes, she said to keep it up and she'd be back! What?!?! I couldn't believe she was leaving! She said it could take quite a while and the nurse would be there. Ok. The nurse also commented that the baby was right against my pelvis and wasn't sure how it would go. I could tell when I was having a contraction, even with the epidural, so they took the monitor off and I just pushed every time I had one. It was very strange and I don't even know how to describe it! They wanted me to push as long as I could 3 times during every contraction. They asked if I wanted a mirror to watch and I thought, what the heck, sure! After a few contractions, we were able to see a bit of the head. Wow. That was weird! Then more and more. I asked the nurse that since we could see the head, that meant I'd be able to deliver this way, right? She said, no not necessarily. What?! Ok, keep pushing. At some point, she decided to go get the doctor. She came in in her street clothes, grabbed some gloves, and said ok, let's go! I kept pushing and soon the baby was really crowning, then I could see the face, then one shoulder, and then it was out! They put the baby on my chest and said it was a girl! I was overcome with all kinds of emotions and started crying. I couldn't believe this had all happened so fast (40 minutes of pushing and a total of 8 hours in labor). And I couldn't believe that I actually delivered vaginally. And I couldn't believe it was a girl. And I couldn't believe this long pregnancy was finally over. Wow. What an absolutely amazing experience.
Ahmad ran out and told the grandmothers it was a girl and then he ran back in. I watched the doctor stitch me up and then deliver the placenta. They cleaned Hailey up some and then let me hold her and nurse her. She nursed for 20 minutes on each side and stayed awake for several hours right after birth! They bathed her in the room while everyone was in there watching and gave her some shots and eye goop. They took out my epidural, got me up and to the bathroom, got me some pain pills and crackers, and then headed me off to the postpartum room. Ahmad then left to go get showered and get Miles to come back over and meet his baby sister. Mom and Mama Keyes headed out soon afterwards as well to spend some time with Miles and let me "get some rest". Papa Keyes had already left to go relieve Jeff and watch Miles.
Ahmad did a great job documenting the labor journey on video and on facebook. Here's his version!
The contractions were still coming very regularly, but I was able to breath through them very well and was in pretty good spirits. Ahmad managed to drive at a legal speed and we arrived at Methodist Hospital about 15 minutes later. We headed up to triage and they had Ahmad wait in the waiting room while I got all checked in and such (he wasn't happy about this at all!). That's a silly rule I think and he didn't do that last time. However, they do ask a few times about domestic violence and such before they let your significant other back, so there must have been some incidents? In triage, the first thing they have you do is change into a gown in the bathroom by yourself. This is another thing that is so silly to me. When you are in labor and having contractions, it's very difficult to manipulate those gowns and figure out how to fasten them and tie them. I did much better with it this time since the contractions were still manageable, but I recall with Miles, I gave up and came out without it fastened at all! Anyway, they got me settled into a bed and put me on monitors and asked a ton of questions. Then they checked me and I was 4 cm. Finally, they let Ahmad back. When the nurse came in, she commented that she was having hot flashes. We chuckled and then she told Ahmad that he better just sit there and be quiet since she was going through menopause and I was in labor. He agreed! The contractions were coming on stronger and they said that once they got an IV started, they'd move me to a room and get me an epidural. Yea! With Miles, I had intended to try my hardest to go natural, but ended up having Nubian after about 4 hours of labor and then an epidural. I was glad I did with him because I ended up with a c-section and if I had labored for 15 hours with him naturally and then had to get an epidural for the c-section, I would have been upset! Since we had no idea if I could deliver vaginally or not (the doctor thinks I have a small pelvis), I was going to try to labor and see if I could do a VBAC, but we all thought I'd probably end up with a c-section. I decided I'd go straight for the drugs this time since I didn't think I'd be able to deliver vaginally. At any rate, it took 2 nurses and 3 sticks to get the IV in right and I was finally on my way to my room.
By the time I got up in my room, the contractions had definitely gotten strongly and I was looking forward to the epidural. My contractions were coming in waves; it seemed I was getting 3 or 4 right in a row and then a break, then another one and a break, and then back to 3 or 4 back to back. The nurse was being rather forceful with me about holding still and sitting up through the epidural and such, but I had to get through those back to back ones before I was ready to sit and prepare for the epidural. Finally I was in place and they were putting it in. I was very nervous about getting it, but just kept praying that all would go well. I immediately felt it on my right side, but not so much on my left. It took quite a while before the left side kicked in and I was afraid they were going to have to do it again. Thankfully, they didn't. Once they got it in, they let Ahmad back in and I was checked again. 8 cm already! I was going quick. They had the on call doctor come in and see me and went ahead and had me sign a few forms because they thought I might go quickly one way or the other before my doctor would have a chance to arrive. They thought I'd either end up in a c-section or delivering very soon.
My mom and in-laws were on their way and actually arrived about the same time. Mom had gotten stuck behind an accident about 1/2 hour away and sat there for 2 hours! Michael couldn't come because he had school work to get done that day and dad was in the hospital himself with a fractured pelvis. Sometime after they arrived, the on call doctor came back and broke my water to see what would happen. With Miles, I guess I had gotten "stuck" at 8 cm and my doctor wanted to speed things along some. I didn't have too much water in my sac though and the doctor also commented on my small pelvis, making us question again how this would end.
I think my doctor arrived about 8am or so, but I really can't remember. She checked me out and said that she was going to go walk to get in her 10,000 steps and she'd be back. ! At some point I was 9 1/2 cm and 100% effaced, but was still at station 0, which was an improvement over last time. Eventually, they said I was at station +1 and they would find my doctor, but that you usually don't push until you're at station +2. My doctor came in and said, well, let's try pushing! What?!?! It seemed so informal and like it came out of nowhere. I wasn't expecting that! So, I tried a few pushes, she said to keep it up and she'd be back! What?!?! I couldn't believe she was leaving! She said it could take quite a while and the nurse would be there. Ok. The nurse also commented that the baby was right against my pelvis and wasn't sure how it would go. I could tell when I was having a contraction, even with the epidural, so they took the monitor off and I just pushed every time I had one. It was very strange and I don't even know how to describe it! They wanted me to push as long as I could 3 times during every contraction. They asked if I wanted a mirror to watch and I thought, what the heck, sure! After a few contractions, we were able to see a bit of the head. Wow. That was weird! Then more and more. I asked the nurse that since we could see the head, that meant I'd be able to deliver this way, right? She said, no not necessarily. What?! Ok, keep pushing. At some point, she decided to go get the doctor. She came in in her street clothes, grabbed some gloves, and said ok, let's go! I kept pushing and soon the baby was really crowning, then I could see the face, then one shoulder, and then it was out! They put the baby on my chest and said it was a girl! I was overcome with all kinds of emotions and started crying. I couldn't believe this had all happened so fast (40 minutes of pushing and a total of 8 hours in labor). And I couldn't believe that I actually delivered vaginally. And I couldn't believe it was a girl. And I couldn't believe this long pregnancy was finally over. Wow. What an absolutely amazing experience.
Ahmad ran out and told the grandmothers it was a girl and then he ran back in. I watched the doctor stitch me up and then deliver the placenta. They cleaned Hailey up some and then let me hold her and nurse her. She nursed for 20 minutes on each side and stayed awake for several hours right after birth! They bathed her in the room while everyone was in there watching and gave her some shots and eye goop. They took out my epidural, got me up and to the bathroom, got me some pain pills and crackers, and then headed me off to the postpartum room. Ahmad then left to go get showered and get Miles to come back over and meet his baby sister. Mom and Mama Keyes headed out soon afterwards as well to spend some time with Miles and let me "get some rest". Papa Keyes had already left to go relieve Jeff and watch Miles.
Ahmad did a great job documenting the labor journey on video and on facebook. Here's his version!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Miles!
I can't believe that Miles is 3! He has been so excited about his birthday and continuously talked about his party, having friends over, wearing party hats, eating cake, opening presents, and dancing. Since before Christmas, he's been talking about his party and I had to put it in perspective for him. We told him first Christmas, then the baby, and then his birthday. He kept revisiting this time line and seemed ok with it. Well, the baby threw off his plans and decided not to come before his birthday! He was a bit upset about that. As his big day and party grew closer, we were talking about it more and more, but he always said, "no! baby first!" It was pretty cute, but he didn't really understand that things might go out of order. The day before his birthday, we were talking about it and he brought the baby up again. I was talking to him about how the baby might wait and come after his birthday and party. He finally seemed to understand this and decided it would be ok if we had 3 parties-1 at school for him, 1 at home, and then 1 for the baby. I thought it was nice that he'll let the baby have his/her own party!
We took treats in to school on his birthday-cupcakes, party hats, party blowers, and Cheez-Its. Miles had a good time and was so excited to celebrate! We decided to have McDonald's for dinner for Miles' birthday. He decided he wanted chicken nuggets, french fries, and a cheeseburger! He actually ate fairly well and then was off to play. I don't think he realized we were celebrating his birthday! We tried to have cupcakes and sing to him, but he said he didn't want to. So we asked him if he wanted to open gifts and he agreed to that! He had a great time opening presents from us, Uncle Michael, my boss Kathy, and Uncle Matt, Aunt Missy, Gavin and Emmett. He couldn't believe all the cool things he got! He was especially excited about the cash register from Gavin and Emmett and the tool set from us, but he really enjoyed all the gifts-thank you! We tried again to get Miles to have cupcakes and sing to him, but he didn't want to! We never did get to sing on his birthday!

Saturday we woke up ready to party! Miles was so excited! We went out and got the rest of the supplies we needed-balloons and food and then came home and got the house ready. Miles actually went down for a nap pretty well and even woke up in time for the party! While we were finishing up the decorations, he just kept asking when his friends were coming and couldn't we just go knock on their doors instead? It was very hard for him to wait! But finally everyone began arriving. We had a small party, 3 families and a total of 6 kids plus Miles. It was just the right size! We had some games planned-pin the tail on the donkey and the Grand Prize Game (from back in the day off the BOZO show), but those didn't really go over so well! The only ones to actually do pin the tail on the donkey were Ahmad and Elliott. We sort of tried to start the Grand Prize Game, but there was no interest, so we just let the kids run around and play. They had a great time! The one thing that we had planned that went over well was decorating sugar cookies. I had baked the cookies and then divided up white icing and dyed it different colors. Then we had some different sprinkles. This was a big hit! Miles opened gifts (thank you everyone!) and then we were ready for cake. I had made a basketball cake for Miles that he was previously very excited about. But when it came time to sing to him, he suddenly turned shy. I had to hold him at the table while we all sang and then he didn't want to blow out the candle. I helped him and we enjoyed some cake.

I made it through Miles' birthday and waiting on the baby! It's a full moon tonight and our hope is that the pull will bring the baby! (not sure if I believe that, but hey, at 8 days past due, I'm hoping on everything possible!)
We took treats in to school on his birthday-cupcakes, party hats, party blowers, and Cheez-Its. Miles had a good time and was so excited to celebrate! We decided to have McDonald's for dinner for Miles' birthday. He decided he wanted chicken nuggets, french fries, and a cheeseburger! He actually ate fairly well and then was off to play. I don't think he realized we were celebrating his birthday! We tried to have cupcakes and sing to him, but he said he didn't want to. So we asked him if he wanted to open gifts and he agreed to that! He had a great time opening presents from us, Uncle Michael, my boss Kathy, and Uncle Matt, Aunt Missy, Gavin and Emmett. He couldn't believe all the cool things he got! He was especially excited about the cash register from Gavin and Emmett and the tool set from us, but he really enjoyed all the gifts-thank you! We tried again to get Miles to have cupcakes and sing to him, but he didn't want to! We never did get to sing on his birthday!
Saturday we woke up ready to party! Miles was so excited! We went out and got the rest of the supplies we needed-balloons and food and then came home and got the house ready. Miles actually went down for a nap pretty well and even woke up in time for the party! While we were finishing up the decorations, he just kept asking when his friends were coming and couldn't we just go knock on their doors instead? It was very hard for him to wait! But finally everyone began arriving. We had a small party, 3 families and a total of 6 kids plus Miles. It was just the right size! We had some games planned-pin the tail on the donkey and the Grand Prize Game (from back in the day off the BOZO show), but those didn't really go over so well! The only ones to actually do pin the tail on the donkey were Ahmad and Elliott. We sort of tried to start the Grand Prize Game, but there was no interest, so we just let the kids run around and play. They had a great time! The one thing that we had planned that went over well was decorating sugar cookies. I had baked the cookies and then divided up white icing and dyed it different colors. Then we had some different sprinkles. This was a big hit! Miles opened gifts (thank you everyone!) and then we were ready for cake. I had made a basketball cake for Miles that he was previously very excited about. But when it came time to sing to him, he suddenly turned shy. I had to hold him at the table while we all sang and then he didn't want to blow out the candle. I helped him and we enjoyed some cake.
I made it through Miles' birthday and waiting on the baby! It's a full moon tonight and our hope is that the pull will bring the baby! (not sure if I believe that, but hey, at 8 days past due, I'm hoping on everything possible!)
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