It's also funny how he picks up on absolutely everything we do. Sometimes after dinner, Ahmad will leave the table and go lay on the floor in the living room like he's so full he just has to stretch out. Miles has started doing this too and can't wait for daddy to be done eating. They go lay down and say "aaaaahhhh!". So funny.
I've been meaning to write this, but kept forgetting. Miles also takes after his daddy in that he doesn't like tags on things. Every now and then, Miles decides he doesn't want a tag on something, like his clothes or stuffed animals, and insists on cutting the tag off himself. I think it's pretty funny. He also has started saying that his stomach hurts if we are doing something he doesn't want to do. For instance, if I'm suggesting something to watch before bedtime, he'll say (usually halfway through the show!) "I don't like this, this makes my belly hurt" or "I don't want to, make my belly hurt"!
I often say to Miles "You know what? I love you!" The other night when we were bug-bugging before before bed, Miles was talking to baby and said "You know what? I love you baby!" to my belly. It was precious.
We had a snowfall on Saturday and Miles couldn't wait to get outside in all the quarter of an inch of snow that fell. He and Ahmad went out to play while it was still snowing and that lasted all of about 7 minutes. They threw a few snowballs and ran around and then Miles decided he didn't like the snow falling in his eyes. He came inside and I suggested he wear his sunglasses. He liked that idea and went back outside. For about another 2 minutes. He didn't like that either. That was the end of snow play on day 1.
It snowed a bit more on Sunday and we went out again. He did much better and enjoyed making some snow angels, snow balls, and playing on his swing set. I needed a break after that and daddy joined Miles outside. Miles wanted to play football, so they donned their helmets and played a little football. It didn't last too long though because Miles was hungry and needed to get ready for a nap.
It's also funny to hear myself saying things that my parents have said to me while growing up. My dad periodically says "When you get big and I get little...". I found myself saying this same thing to Miles this morning. He has a set of keys he plays with and wanted to take them to school. This was fine as he agreed to leave them in the car. He then decided he wanted to drive and said "mommy, I drive?" I said "no, you're too little to drive". He said "when I get bigger?" I said "yeah, when you get big and I get little, you can drive". He said "ok!".
Last night we had the neighbors over to celebrate Christmas and have a play date. We had a nice dinner, exchanged gifts between the kids, and played. It was a great time!
Miles also has been learning Christmas carols at school and loves singing Jingle Bells!
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