- Miles realized that he has a gap between his front teeth and told me he thought he would be getting another tooth to fill that hole. He didn't quite get the Keyes' Gap theory....
- Hailey likes to blink at me. She'll blink and blink until I realize what she's doing and blink back at her. Then she'll smile and blink at me and back and forth it goes. I think it's her way of telling me she loves me. :)
- Hailey is now waving bye-bye and sometimes hello too. It's too precious!
- Miles was talking to me one day about how much he loves Hailey's cheeks. From the time she came home from the hospital, he's been grabbing her cheeks. He just says they are so so so soft and he loves them. I think it's cute. It drives Ahmad crazy!
- Hailey is also trying to blow kisses. She's got the hand to her mouth part, but the "maaa!" part is lacking. She just puts her hand to her mouth and smiles.
- Hailey is also playing peek-a-boo. If you say "Where's Hailey, peek-a-boo!", she'll bring her hand/s to her eyes and hide from you. After several repetitions, her hands don't always make it over her eyes, but it's so cute how she laughs and giggles through this.
- Miles has been having several rough days at school again and we had to remove the majority of his toys, movies, music, etc until further notice. Luckily, he did do better towards the end of the week and was able to get a few things back. He was also lucky that Santa came! He's since had a wonderful few days at home and I'm really excited to have this next week at home with him and Hailey.
- Hailey is walking walking! She's not all the time, but I won't be surprised if she is soon. She's taken steps here and there and would go 2-3 feet at a time. Yesterday, on Christmas, she got some confidence and began doing laps between Ahmad and me, about 7-8 feet at a time. She shrieked and giggled the whole time, so proud of herself! She hasn't stopped since!
- Miles was in the Christmas Pageant at Christmas Eve Mass and was a great shepherd! Much better at this performance than his school program!
- Hailey is now starting to throw tantrums if she doesn't get what she wants. I can't believe she's old enough to be doing this and hate that we have to start almost disciplining her! She's still my little baby! However, I will say she's pretty good at them!
- Hailey is also signing more now, which is so much fun. She's signing Eat, More, Milk and All Done on a fairly regular basis.
- I know I've commented on this before, but Miles is such a little boy now. He's into his superheroes and bad guys and running and jumping. He's definitely all boy! However, he has such a sensitive side and still loves to snuggle and gives hugs and kisses to us all. He really is such a sweetpea!
Just a snapshot into our lives as a young growing family wanting to capture and preserve life's precious moments.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
I feel so truly blessed this Christmas season and thank God for all he has given unto me! I just want to highlight a few things that have been going on lately around the Keyes' house...

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
First Christmas Program...
Miles had a Christmas program at school this year-his first one ever. It was really cute, just his class and he did get up to sing. I was worried he wouldn't, but he did. But then he started acting silly and parents started laughing, so all was lost! Here are some glimpses....
He's My Cherry Pie!
On the way to visit my very dear friend, Bubba (AKA Shannon), Miles worked very hard to get the cherry out of the bottom of the milkshake cup....
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Gobble Gobble!
We've had a busy time lately, but it seems that everyone is doing well. We went to South Bend for Thanksgiving and Hailey enjoyed her first feast of turkey, crown pork roast, macaroni and cheese, and greens. She ate it all up!

We had a ball hanging out with family and cousins and had an extra special treat of seeing my brother and his family a few times. Missy is from South Bend as well and they came in town to surprise her mom for her 60th birthday. It was a great party, despite us being a bit late! and we got to hang out again at Chuck E Cheese on Black Friday. Good times!

A few days before Thanksgiving, Hailey took her first step! But, then she didn't do it again until tonight. I think it might still be a bit before she takes off. She's doing so much these days! She can almost wash her hands-she puts her hands under the water and rubs them together! We have a hand sanitizer by her changing table and use it after a diaper change and now she gets this big grin on her face and imitates me putting it on my hands. She has also begun waving bye-bye, but hasn't blown kisses yet. We're working on that one! At night, part of our routine is to turn off the light after reading a book and now she likes to do it! She'll reach out and push the button and laugh as the lights dim and go out. She's also just begun to sign a bit more. I was getting a bit frustrated (not really, but just wondering when she would do it!) and then today she did like 3 signs-"more" and "all done" on a few different occasions. She also cracks up at Miles. He just acts silly and she laughs and laughs. It's the cutest sweetest sound to hear them both giggle together. She's going to get him in trouble, I can tell. I'm sure in the future he will be doing something he's not supposed to and she will egg him on....!

She is also such a ham for the camera these days! If she sees me pull it out, she gets this cutest grin on her face and seems to pose for me! It's adorable! However, she is also getting upset when we tell her no. If we tell her no or take something away from her, she will often start to cry. Poor baby! Breaks my heart, but I guess it's got to be done!
Miles is growing up before my eyes and becoming a little boy. He's into super heroes now and loves Spiderman and Scooby Doo. He loves being "scared" and monsters and dinosaurs and such. While we were in South Bend, he and Ahmad went to a woman's ND basketball game and got a poster of the girls. It's in his room now...I have a feeling it won't be long before the furry little woodland creatures that are currently on his wall will soon be replaced. :( Bittersweet... He had his first dream that he's ever really told me about. I have consistently asked him if he had a good night and good dreams when he wakes up in the morning and he always says yes. When I ask what he dreamed about, he would usually say mommy, daddy, baby Hailey, etc. It's usually the same thing, so I know it's not always true. When he woke up earlier this week, he was talking about a scary monster and began to tell me about being chased.

I also have 2 good Miles stories: 1) when we were South Bend, we were pretty busy running around visiting people here and there. On Saturday, I woke Miles up from his nap so we could go visit the Azars. As we were getting ready, he said "Mom, can we just not get ready to go nowhere? I'm tired of getting ready to go somewhere." :( Poor baby! I felt so bad. Then on the way home to Indianapolis, he just asked "Mom, after no schools, where we going to go?" But once I told him (to Iowa to visit Bubba!) he was very happy. After that trip, we'll be in town until New Years, so that will be nice to just do our thing. 2) Ahmad and I had been talking about putting Miles in the children's nativity Christmas pageant at church on Christmas Eve. Last year he was too young, but this year we were interested. I got the info on it and needed to email the person in charge, but first, I wanted to say something to Miles. So after the dentist this morning (which by the way he did great! He got in his own chair and had a full cleaning done while I had mine done!) on the way to school, I asked him if he would like to do a play at church on Christmas about Jesus. He said yes and asked a few questions about it. I told him he'd get to wear a costume. He got really excited and said he wanted to wear his Spiderman costume! I had to explain that wasn't the costume I was talking about, so he asked if he would be Batman. I explained they didn't have Spiderman and Batman then and he'd likely be a shepherd or something. He said no, he wanted to be Spiderman or Batman so he could save Jesus. It was pretty funny!
Unfortunately Miles has been having trouble at school again lately. The other week he had a bad day or two and the following week he had probably 3. This week he's had 3 (out of just 4). He's having tantrums, hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, yelling. It's so hard. I hate that he's doing this and I don't know why. He's such a sweet boy and I don't know where this comes from. And I don't know how to stop it. We talk about it until we are blue in the face. If he gets into trouble like that at school, he does a time out at home and since he's been doing it so much, we've begun taking other things away. He hasn't watched TV in a few days now-we took it away in the evening and in the morning before school. He's also gone to bed early a few days this week. One thing that I did do was talk to him more about how he does in the mornings. He used to have a hard time with me leaving him in the mornings, then we talked about it and he did really well for several weeks. Now he's having a hard time again and I wondered if that was just a start to having a bad day. When I ask him about it, he just says how much he misses me and wants me to stay at school with him. So, last night, we took a picture together and I printed them out really small for him to keep in his pocket. And I wrote on the back "I love (heart) U!" and told him what it said. He said he took it out several times today to look at it, but apparently it wasn't the magic solution. Oh the growing pains of my little baby.....
Ahmad is doing great as well. He's enjoying his new job, but has been on the evening/night shift this week and has decided he doesn't like that! It's been a adjustment not having him here in the evenings, but thankfully, that won't be lasting!
Oh the fun times....I love my life!
We had a ball hanging out with family and cousins and had an extra special treat of seeing my brother and his family a few times. Missy is from South Bend as well and they came in town to surprise her mom for her 60th birthday. It was a great party, despite us being a bit late! and we got to hang out again at Chuck E Cheese on Black Friday. Good times!
A few days before Thanksgiving, Hailey took her first step! But, then she didn't do it again until tonight. I think it might still be a bit before she takes off. She's doing so much these days! She can almost wash her hands-she puts her hands under the water and rubs them together! We have a hand sanitizer by her changing table and use it after a diaper change and now she gets this big grin on her face and imitates me putting it on my hands. She has also begun waving bye-bye, but hasn't blown kisses yet. We're working on that one! At night, part of our routine is to turn off the light after reading a book and now she likes to do it! She'll reach out and push the button and laugh as the lights dim and go out. She's also just begun to sign a bit more. I was getting a bit frustrated (not really, but just wondering when she would do it!) and then today she did like 3 signs-"more" and "all done" on a few different occasions. She also cracks up at Miles. He just acts silly and she laughs and laughs. It's the cutest sweetest sound to hear them both giggle together. She's going to get him in trouble, I can tell. I'm sure in the future he will be doing something he's not supposed to and she will egg him on....!
She is also such a ham for the camera these days! If she sees me pull it out, she gets this cutest grin on her face and seems to pose for me! It's adorable! However, she is also getting upset when we tell her no. If we tell her no or take something away from her, she will often start to cry. Poor baby! Breaks my heart, but I guess it's got to be done!
Miles is growing up before my eyes and becoming a little boy. He's into super heroes now and loves Spiderman and Scooby Doo. He loves being "scared" and monsters and dinosaurs and such. While we were in South Bend, he and Ahmad went to a woman's ND basketball game and got a poster of the girls. It's in his room now...I have a feeling it won't be long before the furry little woodland creatures that are currently on his wall will soon be replaced. :( Bittersweet... He had his first dream that he's ever really told me about. I have consistently asked him if he had a good night and good dreams when he wakes up in the morning and he always says yes. When I ask what he dreamed about, he would usually say mommy, daddy, baby Hailey, etc. It's usually the same thing, so I know it's not always true. When he woke up earlier this week, he was talking about a scary monster and began to tell me about being chased.
I also have 2 good Miles stories: 1) when we were South Bend, we were pretty busy running around visiting people here and there. On Saturday, I woke Miles up from his nap so we could go visit the Azars. As we were getting ready, he said "Mom, can we just not get ready to go nowhere? I'm tired of getting ready to go somewhere." :( Poor baby! I felt so bad. Then on the way home to Indianapolis, he just asked "Mom, after no schools, where we going to go?" But once I told him (to Iowa to visit Bubba!) he was very happy. After that trip, we'll be in town until New Years, so that will be nice to just do our thing. 2) Ahmad and I had been talking about putting Miles in the children's nativity Christmas pageant at church on Christmas Eve. Last year he was too young, but this year we were interested. I got the info on it and needed to email the person in charge, but first, I wanted to say something to Miles. So after the dentist this morning (which by the way he did great! He got in his own chair and had a full cleaning done while I had mine done!) on the way to school, I asked him if he would like to do a play at church on Christmas about Jesus. He said yes and asked a few questions about it. I told him he'd get to wear a costume. He got really excited and said he wanted to wear his Spiderman costume! I had to explain that wasn't the costume I was talking about, so he asked if he would be Batman. I explained they didn't have Spiderman and Batman then and he'd likely be a shepherd or something. He said no, he wanted to be Spiderman or Batman so he could save Jesus. It was pretty funny!
Unfortunately Miles has been having trouble at school again lately. The other week he had a bad day or two and the following week he had probably 3. This week he's had 3 (out of just 4). He's having tantrums, hitting, kicking, biting, spitting, yelling. It's so hard. I hate that he's doing this and I don't know why. He's such a sweet boy and I don't know where this comes from. And I don't know how to stop it. We talk about it until we are blue in the face. If he gets into trouble like that at school, he does a time out at home and since he's been doing it so much, we've begun taking other things away. He hasn't watched TV in a few days now-we took it away in the evening and in the morning before school. He's also gone to bed early a few days this week. One thing that I did do was talk to him more about how he does in the mornings. He used to have a hard time with me leaving him in the mornings, then we talked about it and he did really well for several weeks. Now he's having a hard time again and I wondered if that was just a start to having a bad day. When I ask him about it, he just says how much he misses me and wants me to stay at school with him. So, last night, we took a picture together and I printed them out really small for him to keep in his pocket. And I wrote on the back "I love (heart) U!" and told him what it said. He said he took it out several times today to look at it, but apparently it wasn't the magic solution. Oh the growing pains of my little baby.....
Ahmad is doing great as well. He's enjoying his new job, but has been on the evening/night shift this week and has decided he doesn't like that! It's been a adjustment not having him here in the evenings, but thankfully, that won't be lasting!
Oh the fun times....I love my life!
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