Hailey turned 6 months old today! I cannot believe it. Time is flying by for my little baby girl and it makes me sad! I love seeing her grow and learn and achieve, but it's also hard to see her grow! I want to fully enjoy her being my little baby...who knows if I will have another?! She has lit up our lives in a new way, in a way we didn't know was missing. We all adore her and she and Miles are so cute together. Here are things about her:
- she laughs at the blinds when I open and close them and loves watching the light shine through
- rubs her eyes when she's sleepy
- crawls! She's pretty good these days and I'd wondered if she would go towards or away from Miles...she goes towards! (most of the time!)
- can stay sitting for a good period of time when put in a sitting position
- can go from a crawling stance to a sitting position
- started playing with a sippy cup today
- is on her last fruit (pears) and then can eat anything!
- is ticklish
- is so beautiful!
- is not a good napper...she cat naps most of the time for 30ish minutes at a time. Occasionally she'll go down for an hour or two.
- likes being sung happy songs-doesn't like rap music!
- seems to get constipated from antibiotics
- is super sweet
- likes looking at books
- loves all her toys or anything that resembles a toy
- will crawl to her little pink basket of toys and dump it over to find a good one
- can recognize some signs, mainly 'milk' and 'all done' ('All Done' seems to be her favorite and smiles so big when I do it!)
- is working on her 2 bottom teeth-they should be in soon
- is so funny-she cracks herself up and us too!
- loves to snuggle
- loves to babble
- sucks on my face when she wants to nurse
- has a foot fetish-she goes after shoes and tries to eat them and also socks and toes
- smiles all the time!
- laughs at daddy
- rarely rarely fusses
- likes grabbing Miles' hair
- grabs everything and tries to put it all in her mouth
- likes textures and things that 'crunch'
- like splashing in the bathtub and the pool
- is so curious and observant-she's spotted a squirrel in a tree before
- likes to play in the grass
- has found her shadow and tries to grab it
- likes to look at pictures of herself
- love Miles and playing with him
- Miles can always make her laugh
- is so so adorable and lovable. My heart aches and tears come to my eyes just when she smiles and laughs with me.